来源:《研究核酸》 作者:史文聿等 时间:2018-11-28



1026日,《核酸研究》(Nucleic Acids Research)在线发表中国科学院微生物研究所微生物资源与大数据中心、世界微生物数据中心马俊才团队题为gcMeta a Global Catalogue of Metagenomics platform to support the archiving standardization and analysis of microbiome data的研究论文。gcMeta平台是一个微生物基因组及微生物组数据的管理、分析和发布平台,为国内外用户提供一站式的从数据存储、数据分析到数据发布的服务,目前已经整合了来自中科院微生物组计划及国内外多个重要项目的数据。该平台的发布将有效支撑我国微生物组研究并为未来我国国家微生物组计划的实施提供重要的支持。


gcMeta建立了一个微生物基因组、元基因组和转录组管理、数据在线分析、可视化及数据发布的一站式系统。目前已经整合来自国际相关平台(NCBIEBIMG-RAST等)及重要项目(HMPTara等)超过12万样本数据,来自我国科学家的超过2000余个样本数据,总数据量超过120TB。平台为用户提供了多级的数据管理和权限控制体系,可用于各研究组管理未发表数据,并在研究组内共享,也可以将内部管理数据进行在线发布与公开。平台为所有公开数据提供基于Persistent Identifier (PID) (http//系统的唯一PID号,用于在学术期刊的公开发表及后续数据引用及分析。此外,平台还整合了超过90个在线数据分析工具,提供针对扩增子序列、全基因组序列等4套分析工作流,所有的分析工具和工作流都是以web方式使用,方便微生物领域用户快速掌握及使用。用户可以通过该平台方便地实现数据管理、数据分析、结果展示和数据发布等一系列服务,平台也将为用户提供全过程的使用支持,欢迎国内外用户使用该平台。



gcMeta a Global Catalogue of Metagenomics platform to support the archiving standardization and analysis of microbiome data


Abstract  Meta-omics approaches have been increasingly used to study the structure and function of the microbial communities. A variety of large-scale collaborative projects are being conducted to encompass samples from diverse environments and habitats. This change has resulted in enormous demands for long-term data maintenance and capacity for data analysis. The Global Catalogue of Metagenomics (gcMeta) is a part of the ‘Chinese Academy of Sciences Initiative of Microbiome (CAS-CMI)’, which focuses on studying the human and environmental microbiome, establishing depositories of samples, strains and data, as well as promoting international collaboration. To accommodate and rationally organize massive datasets derived from several thousands of human and environmental microbiome samples, gcMeta features a database management system for archiving and publishing data in a standardized way. Another main feature is the integration of more than ninety web-based data analysis tools and workflows through a Docker platform which enables data analysis by using various operating systems. This platform has been rapidly expanding, and now hosts data from the CAS-CMI and a number of other ongoing research projects. In conclusion, this platform presents a powerful and user-friendly service to support worldwide collaborative efforts in the field of meta-omics research. This platform is freely accessible at




