来源:《应用粘土科学》 作者:HaoHu等 时间:2018-11-28



近期,中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院技术生物与农业工程研究所研究员吴丽芳课题组在小麦白粉病防控技术研究方面取得新进展。研究人员以经过修饰的天然纳米材料为主要原料,制备出一种高效的小麦白粉病防护剂,可替代化学农药防控白粉病。这一成果对减少化学农药使用和提高小麦品质具有重要意义。相关成果已被国际期刊applied Clay Science 接收发表(doi10.1016/j.clay.2018.09.017)




A palgorskite-based nanocomposite effectively reducing the incidence of powdery mildew


Abstract  Wheat powdery mildew (PM) is one of the world's top 10 most destructive fungal plant pathogen and the routine control of this disease is by application of fungicides and disease-resistant cultivars. In this study, a nanocomposite composed of amino silicon oil (ASO) and palygorskite (Pal) was developed and can effectively inhibit the pathogen. The results demonstrated that the morphology and microstructure of Pal could be effectively modified by ASO via hydrogen bonds between –NH2 of ASO and???OH of Pal, resulting in an increase of hydrophobic surface groups. Further analysis showed that nanonetworks were formed by Pal-ASO interaction, which could effectively segregate Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) conidia from wheat leaf surface and reduce the disease index by 98%. This work provides an economic and environmentally friendly approach to control the wheat powdery mildew disease.




