来源:《新植物学家》 作者:韩佳嘉等 时间:2018-11-28





上述研究结果于1010日在线发表在New Phytologist 杂志(DOI10.1111/nph.15471)。谢旗研究组已出站的博士后韩佳嘉为该论文第一作者。谢旗和浙江大学教授刘建祥是共同通讯作者。该研究得到科技部蛋白质重大专项以及自然科学基金委项目资助。(来源:中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所)


The β5 Subunit is Essential for Intact 26S Proteasome Assembly to Specifically Promote Pant Autotrophic Growth under Salt Stress


Abstract  The ubiquitin 26S proteasome (26SP) system efficiently degrades many key regulators of plant development. 26SP consists of two subcomplexes: the catalytic 20S core particle (CP) and the 19S regulatory particle (RP). Previous studies have focused on 19S RP; whether there is a specific subunit in 20S CP that has a stress‐related biological function in plants is unclear. PBE1, one of the β5 subunits of Arabidopsis proteasome CP, is essential for the assembly and proteolytic activity of 26SP in saltstressed seedlings. The expression of PBE1 is stressinduced. During the transition from seed germination to autotrophic growth in saltstressed seedlings, loss of PBE1 function results specifically in arrest in developmental transition but not in germination and postgermination growth. PBE1 is also important for other types of proteasome stress and Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress. PBE1 modulates the protein level of the transcription factor ABI5 and thereby downregulates the expression of several genes downstream of this key regulator which are known to be essential for plant growth under stress. Collectively, our results showed PBE1mediated intact proteasome assembly that is essential for successful autotrophic growth, and revealed how PBE1 mediated stress proteasome functions to control both proteasome activity and abscisic acid (ABA)mediated stress signaling in plants.




