来源:《科学进展》 作者:Birgit Michels等 时间:2018-11-19




近日,《Science Advances》新发一篇文章揭示了一种药用植物的潜在用途:科学家们发现,红景天(Rhodiola rosea)中存在一种天然化合物可以改善大脑功能、提高记忆力。



红景天是一种景天科植物,长期以来一直被认为与智力提升有关联。文章一作Birgit Michels和团队试图确定这一植物中可以提高记忆力的具体物质,因为只有明确了关键的有效成分,才有实现药物开发的可能。

最初,研究团队以果蝇幼虫为模型,并与国际植物生物学研究所(IPB)的科学家们合作,进行植物化学分析。最终,他们分离出阿魏酸二十烷基酯(ferulic acid eicosyl esterFAE-20),并确定其具有增强记忆的效果。

“虽然FAE-20是一个简单的化学分子,但是将其确定为植物提取物的有效成分,并与认知能力关联起来并非易事。”IPB教授Ludger Wessjohann表示道。



总而言之,至少动物模型显示,FAE-20是一种有助于改善老年人记忆的化合物。值得注意的是,在健康的条件下,使用记忆增强剂会带来风险。下一步,科学家们将朝临床试验努力,将其与老年痴呆症关联起来。(来源:生物探索  艾曼


Memory enhancement by ferulic acid ester across species


Abstract  Cognitive impairments can be devastating for quality of life, and thus, preventing or counteracting them is of great value. To this end, the present study exploits the potential of the plant Rhodiola rosea and identifies the constituent ferulic acid eicosyl ester [icosyl-(2E)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-prop-2-enoate (FAE-20)] as a memory enhancer. We show that food supplementation with dried root material from R. rosea dose-dependently improves odor-taste reward associative memory scores in larval Drosophila and prevents the age-related decline of this appetitive memory in adult flies. Task-relevant sensorimotor faculties remain unaltered. From a parallel approach, a list of candidate compounds has been derived, including R. rosea–derived FAE-20. Here, we show that both R. rosea–derived FAE-20 and synthetic FAE-20 are effective as memory enhancers in larval Drosophila. Synthetic FAE-20 also partially compensates for age-related memory decline in adult flies, as well as genetically induced early-onset loss of memory function in young flies. Furthermore, it increases excitability in mouse hippocampal CA1 neurons, leads to more stable context-shock aversive associative memory in young adult (3-month-old) mice, and increases memory scores in old (>2-year-old) mice. Given these effects, and given the utility of R. rosea—the plant from which we discovered FAE-20—as a memory enhancer, these results may hold potential for clinical applications.




