论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
The Effects of Experimental Warming and CO2 Concentration Doubling on Soil Organic Carbon Fractions of a Montane Coniferous Forest on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2018 European Journal of Forest Research
The Value of Ecosystem Services from Giant Panda Reserves 2018 Current Biology
Giant panda distributional and habitat-use shifts in a changing landscape 2018 Conservation Letters
Reintroduction of the giant panda into the wild: A good start suggests a bright future 2018 Biological Conservation
西南喀斯特地貌区两栖动物丰富度分布格局与环境因子的关系 2018 生物多样性
Botany, ethnomedicines, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Himalayan Paeony (Paeonia emodi Royle.) 2018 Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Diterpenes from Dysoxylum lukii Merr 2018 Phytochemistry Letters
Bergenia ciliata: A comprehensive review of its traditional uses, 2018 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
A efficient method to identify cardioprotective components of Astragali Radix using a combination of molecularly imprinted polymers-based knockout extract and activity evaluation 2018 Journal of Chromatography A
Optimization of vortex-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the simultaneous quantitation of eleven non-anthocyanin polyphenols in commercial blueberry using the multi-objective response surface methodology and desirability function approach 2018 Molecules
Multi-Residue Method for Detection of Veterinary Drugs in Multiple Meat Using a Pass-Through Cleanup SPE Technique and UPLC-MS/MS Analysis 2018 Food Analytical Methods
Bioactive steroidal alkaloids from the fruits of Solanum nigrum 2018 Phytochemistry
Flavonoid glycosides and alkaloids from the embryos of Nelumbo nucifera 2018 Fitoterapia
体表擦拭取样在两栖类中的应用 2018 四川动物
阿坝藏猪蒲江种群SLA-DRB基因片段SNP检测及其与生长发育性状关联分析 2018 四川动物
蛙类前肢形态对树栖环境的适应性演化 2018 四川动物
短期夜间增温对亚高山针叶林云杉幼苗根系分泌物速率和化学成分的影响 2018 生态学报
高寒灌丛生长季土壤转化酶与脲酶活性对增温和植物去除的响应 2018 应用生态学报
岷江源头区乔灌交错带地被物和土壤持水能力 2018 水土保持学报
青藏高原东缘窄叶鲜卑花灌丛生长季土壤无机氮对增温和植物去除的响应 2018 植物生态学报