论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Bioactive halogenated dihydroisocoumarins produced by the endophytic fungus Lachnum palmae isolated from Przewalskia tangutica 2018 Phytochemistry
Biological invasions undermine the functional diversity 2018 Biological Invasions
Thermal tolerance traits of the undulated surf clam Paphia undulata based on heart rate and physiological energetics 2018 Aquaculture
The responses of soil microbial community and enzyme activities of Phoebe zhennan cultivated under different soil moisture conditions tophosphorus addition 2018 iForest
New synonyms, lectotypifications and taxonomical notes on the genus Flemingia 2018 Phytotaxa
Low-cost and convenient ballpoint tip-protected liquid-phase microextraction for sensitive analysis of organic molecules in water samples 2018 Analytica Chimica Acta
Analysis of Compounds Dissolved in Nonpolar Solvents by Electrospray Ionization on Conductive Nanomaterials 2018 Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Legume plants may facilitate Zanthoxylum bungeanum tolerance to extreme rainfall 2018 Scientific Reports
Optimization of growth and production parameters of walnut (Juglans regia) saplings with response surface methodology 2018 Scientific Reports
The effect of phosphorus addition, soil moisture, and plant type on soil nematode abundance and community composition 2018 Journal of Soils and Sediments
Influence of phosphorus application and water deficit on the soil microbiota of N2‐fixing and non‐N‐fixing tree 2018 Ecosphere
Combined effects of cropping types and simulated extreme precipitation on the community composition and diversity of soil macrofauna in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2018 Journal of Soils and Sediments
Phosphorous fertilization alleviates drought effects on Alnus cremastogyne by regulating its antioxidant and osmotic potential 2018 Scientific Reports
Correlates of ecological-niche diversity and extinction risk of amphibians China under climate change 2018 Australian Systematic Botany
Growth and reproduction characteristics of plant’s kin recognition in two different lifestyle species11 2018 International Journal of Agriculture & BiologyInternational Journal of Agriculture & Biology
模拟增温和中度放牧对青藏高原东部高寒草甸生态系统净碳交换及组分的影响 2018 应用与环境生物学报
Improvement of n-caproic acid production with Ruminococcaceae bacterium CPB6: selection of electron acceptors and carbon sources and optimization of the culture medium 2018 Microbial Cell Factories
Effects of Pseudomonas chenduensis and biochar on cadmium availability and microbial community in the paddy soil 2018 Science of the Total Environment
Complete nitrogen removal and electricity production in Thauera-dominated air-cathode single chambered microbial fuel cell 2018 Chemical Engineering Journal
Effect of air-exposed biocathode on the performance of a Thauera-dominated membraneless single-chamber microbial fuel cell (SCMFC) 2018 Journal pf environmental sciences