论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
The right thalamus may play an important role in anesthesia-awakening regulation in frogs 2018 PeerJ
Activity enhancement of CotA laccase by hydrophilic engineering, histidine tag optimization and static culture 2018 Protein Engineering, Design & Selection
Enantioselective synthesis of gem-diarylalkanes by transition metal-catalyzed asymmetric arylations (TMCAAr) 2018 Chemical Science
Auditory neural networks involved in attention modulation prefer biologically significant sounds and exhibit sexual dimorphism in anurans 2018 Journal of Experimental Biology
Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Methylboration of Alkenes 2018 Organic Letter
Lambertellin from Pycnoporus sanguineus MUCL 51321 and its anti-inflammatory effect via modulation of MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways 2018 Bioorganic Chemistry
Profiling the origin, dynamics, and function of traction force in B cell activation 2018 Science Signaling
Premnafulvol A: a Diterpenoid with a 6/5/7/3-Fused Tetracyclic Core and its Biosynthetically Related Analogues from Premna fulva 2018 Organic Letters
Community composition, structure and productivity in response to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a temperate meadow 2018 Science of The Total Environment
Alteration in sperm characteristics, endocrine balance and redox status in rats rendered diabetic by streptozotocin treatment: attenuating role of Loranthus micranthus 2018 Redox Report
Analysis of bisabolocurcumin ether (a terpene-conjugated curcuminoid) and three curcuminoids in Curcuma species from different regions by UPLC-ESI MS/MS and their in vitro anti-inflammatory activities 2018 Journal of Functional Foods
Evaluation of the estimate bias magnitude of the Rao’s quadratic diversity index 2018 Peer J
Linking leaf hydraulic properties, photosynthetic rates, and leaf lifespan in xerophytic species: a test of global hypotheses 2018 American Journal of Botany
Sublethal or not? Responses of multiple biomarkers in Daphnia magna to single and joint effects of BDE-47 and BDE-209 2018 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
国产山蚂蝗属植物花粉形态及其分类意义 2018 应用与环境生物学报
Effects of γ-Valerolactone/H2O Solvent on the Degradation of pubescens for Its Fullest Utilization 2018 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Soybean supplementation increases the resilience of microbial and nematode communities in soil toextreme rainfall in an agroforestry system 2018 Science of the Total Environment
The production of furfural directly from hemicellulose in lignocellulosic biomass: A review 2018 Catalysis Today
Toward a Zero-Waste Biorefinery: Confocal Microscopy as a Tool for the Analysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass 2018 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Amphibian species contribute similarly to taxonomic, but not functional and phylogenetic diversity: inferences from amphibian biodiversity on Emei Mountain 2018 Asian Herpetological Research