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Heterospecific eavesdropping on disturbance cues of a treefrog 何巧玲,汪小萍 邓可,崔建国 2022  Animal Cognition
Circadian Rhythm and Intersexual Differences in Auditory Frequency Sensitivity in Emei Music Frogs 朱弼成,孙晓倩 崔建国 2022  Asian Herpetological Research
High-elevation Adaptation of Motion Visual Display Modifications in the Toad-Headed Agamid Lizards (Phrynocephalus) 胡乔涵,林郁松,邱霞,傅金钟 齐银 2022  Asian Herpetological Research
Sex But Not Altitude, Modulates Phenotypic Covariations Between Growth and Physiological Traits in Adult Asiatic Toads 李苹,谭松,姚忠祎,刘高慧,FUJINZHONG 陈竞峰 2022  Asian Herpetological Research
Multisensory integration facilitates perceptual restoration of an interrupted call in frog 朱弼成,邓可 崔建国 2022  Behavioral Ecology
Conspecific disturbance odors act as alarm cues to affect female mate choice in a treefrog 邓可,何巧玲,朱弼成 崔建国 2022  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Colour Variation in the Crocodile Lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus) and Its Relationship to Individual Quality 邱霞,傅金钟 齐银 2022  Biology-basel
High-frequency local field potential oscillations may modulate aggressive behaviors in mice 杨静,刘衍素,范艳珠,沈迪,申江艳,方光战 2022  Biology-basel
Possible event-related potential correlates of voluntary attention and reflexive attention in the Emei music frog 钮文俊,沈迪,孙若磊,范艳珠,杨静,张保卫,方光战 2022  Biology-basel
Light/dark phase infuences intra-individual plasticity in maintenance metabolic rate and exploratory behavior independently in the Asiatic toad 谭松,黎娟,杨巧 FUJINZHONG,陈竞峰 2022  BMC Zoology
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