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Neural activities in music frogs reveal call variations and phylogenetic relationships within the genus Nidirana 方轲,唐业忠,张保卫,方光战 2022  Communications Biology
Plateau pikas near roads are bold and silent when facing a potential predator 朱弼成 崔建国 2022  Current Zoology
Noise affects mate choice based on visual information via cross-sensory interference 朱弼成,何巧玲,赵筱萌,孙晓倩 崔建国 2022  Environmental Pollution
Post-exercise Hypothermia Varies Between High- and Low-Altitude Populations in the Asiatic Toad (Bufo gargarizans) 黄坤,齐银 姚忠祎 2022  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
The Screening of Therapeutic Peptides for Anti-Inflammation through Phage Display Technology. 唐业忠,陈勤 刘杨 2022  International journal of molecular sciences
Parasite defensive limb movements enhance signal attraction in male little torrent frogs 赵龙辉 崔建国 2022  eLife
Modified Metabolism and Response to UV Radiation: Gene Expression Variations Along an Elevational Gradient in the Asiatic Toad (Bufo gargarizans) 谭松 陈颖,傅金钟 2022  Journal of Molecular Evolution
Screening of TNFR1 Binding Peptides from Deinagkistrodon acutus Venom through Phage Display. 刘杨,唐业忠 2022  Toxins
Biogeographical patterns of community-level content of N and P and their stoichiometric ratios in subtropical forest floor bryophytes 刘鑫,胡斌 包维楷 2022  Ecological Indicators
Latitudinal patterns of light and heavy organic matter fractions in arid and semi-arid soils 黎小娟,杨婷惠,Lettice C Hicks ,胡斌,刘鑫,韦丹丹,王子龙 包维楷 2022  Catena
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