作者:Dominic Lapadula等
SKCC的研究人员发现,从“圣诞节浆果”报春花中提取的化合物可以阻止癌症的生长。通过进一步测试,该发现可为葡萄膜黑色素瘤患者带来新的治疗选择。相关结果发表在最近一期的《Molecular Cancer Research》杂志上。
在这一研究中,研究人员测试了一种衍生自报春花家族中的观赏植物的化合物(Ardisia crenata)是否能够对抗这种疾病。
FR通过阻断位于细胞膜上的特定类型的G蛋白“Gq”起作用, - Gq是一种重要的信号分子,但是这些蛋白质的一部分在葡萄膜黑色素瘤中发生突变,导致了导致癌症生长的分子途径。
Benovic博士实验室的研究生Dominic Lapadula培养了三种不同类型的葡萄膜黑色素瘤细胞,这些细胞在实验室中具有致癌突变。然后他用FR治疗细胞。
Effects of Oncogenic Gαq and Gα11 Inhibition by FR900359 in Uveal Melanoma
Abstract Uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular tumor in adults and often metastasizes to the liver, leaving patients with few options. Recurrent activating mutations in the G proteins, Gαq and Gα11, are observed in approximately 93% of all uveal melanomas. While therapeutic intervention of downstream Gαq/11 targets has been unsuccessful in treating uveal melanoma, we have found that the Gαq/11 inhibitor, FR900359 (FR), effectively inhibits oncogenic Gαq/11 signaling in uveal melanoma cells expressing either mutant Gαq or Gα11. Inhibition of oncogenic Gαq/11 by FR results in cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, colony formation is prevented by FR treatment of uveal melanoma cells in 3D-cell culture, providing promise for future in vivo studies. This suggests direct inhibition of activating Gαq/11 mutants may be a potential means of treating uveal melanoma. Implications: Oncogenic Gαq/11 inhibition by FR900359 may be a potential treatment option for those with uveal melanoma.