作者:Rajbir Singh等
近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究报告中,来自路易斯维尔大学通过研究发现,草莓和石榴中一种名为尿石素A(Urolithin A,UroA)的微生物代谢产物或能帮助降低并保护机体抵御炎性肠病(IBD),如今全球有数百万人遭受炎性肠病(比如克罗恩病等)的折磨,但并没有有效的疗法对其进行治疗。
研究者Rajbir Singh博士说道,目前为止,科学家们认为,尿石素能通过抗炎和抗氧化的特性来产生有益效应,这项研究中我们首次发现,这种功能模式包括修复肠道屏障的异常并维持肠道屏障的完整性。此外,研究者还阐明了人类机体微生物群落所产生的代谢产物影响机体多个方面的分子机制,通过理解特殊代谢产物的效应,研究者就希望利用能够开发出治疗炎性肠病等多种疾病的新型疗法。
肠道中的假链状双歧杆菌INIA P815能通过鞣花酸(EA)来制造UroA,鞣花酸是草莓和石榴中的一种特殊化合物,研究者认为,利用较为稳定的合成性UAS03或许就能有效治疗急性结肠炎,当然后期还需要进行更多试验和临床检测来证实这种想法。研究者Jala说道,肠道中的微生物能够进化到在肠道屏障附近产生有意的代谢产物,这就需要我们摄入较为健康的饮食。
Enhancement of the gut barrier integrity by a microbial metabolite through the Nrf2 pathway
Abstract The importance of gut microbiota in human health and pathophysiology is undisputable. Despite the abundance of metagenomics data, the functional dynamics of gut microbiota in human health and disease remain elusive. Urolithin A (UroA), a major microbial metabolite derived from polyphenolics of berries and pomegranate fruits displays anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and anti-ageing activities. Here, we show that UroA and its potent synthetic analogue (UAS03) significantly enhance gut barrier function and inhibit unwarranted inflammation. We demonstrate that UroA and UAS03 exert their barrier functions through activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)- nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2)-dependent pathways to upregulate epithelial tight junction proteins. Importantly, treatment with these compounds attenuated colitis in pre-clinical models by remedying barrier dysfunction in addition to anti-inflammatory activities. Cumulatively, the results highlight how microbial metabolites provide two-pronged beneficial activities at gut epithelium by enhancing barrier functions and reducing inflammation to protect from colonic diseases.