急性髓细胞白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)是最具侵袭性的癌症之一。虽然其他癌症已经从各种新疗法中受益,但是,对大多数白血病患者来说,过去40多年都未曾有过令人鼓舞的好消息。如今, 8月24日发表的一篇《Cell》文章终于打破了僵局。
耶路撒冷希伯来大学医学院的Yinon Ben-Neriah教授团队研制出了一种新型生物制剂,这种药物在急性白血病小鼠中的治愈率高达50%。
“仅一剂新药,我们竟然看到了如此显著的变化,几乎所有实验小鼠的白血病症状都在一夜之间消失了,” Ben-Neriah教授说。
BioTheryX公司已经购买了该药物的使用权,他们与Ben-Neriah课题组合作正在向FDA申请临床I期研究,相信在不远的将来,治愈白血病这种绝症将不再是奢望。(来源:生物通 伍松)
Small Molecules Co-targeting CKIα and the Transcriptional Kinases CDK7/9 Control AML in Preclinical Models
Abstract CKIα ablation induces p53 activation, and CKIα degradation underlies the therapeutic effect of lenalidomide in a pre-leukemia syndrome. Here we describe the development of CKIα inhibitors, which co-target the transcriptional kinases CDK7 and CDK9, thereby augmenting CKIα-induced p53 activation and its anti-leukemic activity. Oncogene-driving super-enhancers (SEs) are highly sensitive to CDK7/9 inhibition. We identified multiple newly gained SEs in primary mouse acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells and demonstrate that the inhibitors abolish many SEs and preferentially suppress the transcription elongation of SE-driven oncogenes. We show that blocking CKIα together with CDK7 and/or CDK9 synergistically stabilize p53, deprive leukemia cells of survival and proliferation-maintaining SE-driven oncogenes, and induce apoptosis. Leukemia progenitors are selectively eliminated by the inhibitors, explaining their therapeutic efficacy with preserved hematopoiesis and leukemia cure potential; they eradicate leukemia in MLL-AF9 andTet2?/?;Flt3ITDAML mouse models and in several patient-derived AML xenograft models, supporting their potential efficacy in curing human leukemia.