来源:PNAS 作者:Stanislav S. Terekhov等 时间:2018-09-12






为了研究西伯利亚棕熊机体的微生物组,研究人员从棕熊生活地区的针叶树林地带采集了相应的标本进行研究,随后将棕熊的唾液样本带回实验室进行研究,在实验室中,研究人员利用先进的筛选技术鉴定了棕熊唾液样本中所含有的特殊化合物和有机物。研究者表示,棕熊唾液中存在一种名为短小芽胞杆菌的细菌,其能够产生名为amicoumacin A的抗生素化合物,当棕熊摄入特殊类型的植物时就会获得这些细菌。

随后研究者就想知道,唾液中短小芽胞杆菌所分泌的抗生素amicoumacin A是否能对其它感染性病原体产生影响,于是他们就测试了这种特殊抗生素对金黄色葡萄球菌的作用效果,结果表明,抗生素amicoumacin A能够有效杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌,这种天然抗生素在帮助人类机体抵御金黄色葡萄球菌引发的感染上具有重要的价值。



Ultrahigh-throughput functional profiling of microbiota communities


Abstract  Microbiome spectra serve as critical clues to elucidate the evolutionary biology pathways, potential pathologies, and even behavioral patterns of the host organisms. Furthermore, exotic sources of microbiota represent an unexplored niche to discover microbial secondary metabolites. However, establishing the bacterial functionality is complicated by an intricate web of interactions inside the microbiome. Here we apply an ultrahigh-throughput (uHT) microfluidic droplet platform for activity profiling of the entire oral microbial community of the Siberian bear to isolate Bacillus strains demonstrating antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Genome mining allowed us to identify antibiotic amicoumacin A (Ami) as responsible for inhibiting the growth of S. aureus. Proteomics and metabolomics revealed a unique mechanism of Bacillus self-resistance to Ami, based on a subtle equilibrium of its deactivation and activation by kinase AmiN and phosphatase AmiO, respectively. We developed uHT quantitative single-cell analysis to estimate antibiotic efficacy toward different microbiomes and used it to determine the activity spectra of Ami toward human and Siberian bear microbiota. Thus, uHT microfluidic droplet platform activity profiling is a powerful tool for discovering antibiotics and quantifying external influences on a microbiome.




