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Development and optimization of a method based on dispersive solid phase extraction followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole/orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of 30 mycotoxins in Citrus products Huan Yang,Wei Wang,Li Zeng,Run Liang,Quanwei Xiao,周燕 吴文林,Fang Deng 2022  Journal of Separation Science
Differential aboveground-belowground adaptive strategies to alleviate N addition-induced P deficiency in two alpine coniferous forests 张佩佩,Mingzhen Yin,Xinjun Zhang,汪其同,Ruihong Wang 尹华军 2022  Science of the Total Environment
Transcriptomic analysis reveals phytohormone and photosynthetic molecular mechanisms of a submerged macrophyte in response to microcystin-LR stress 李琪,田雪平,Peng Gu,杨贵利,Hong Deng Jibiao Zhang,Zheng Zheng 2022  Aquatic Toxicology
Enhancement of black and odorous water treatment coupled with accelerated lipid production by microalgae exposed to 12C6+ heavy-ion beam irradiation 邵一桐,付永胜,陈杨武,Abdelfatah Abomohra,何奇,金文杰,刘健 谭周亮,李欣 2022  Chemosphere
Mechanism of microbiologically induced calcite precipitation for cadmium mineralization 吕青阳,王秀秀,杜亚玲,宦臣臣,刘杨 曾勇,陈泽智,闫志英 2022  Science of the Total Environment
Metal nanoparticles increased the lag period and shaped the microbial community in slurry-electrode microbial electrosynthesis Yu Gao,Z h i g a n g L i,Jiayi Cai,张礼霞,Q i n j u n L i a n g,Raymond Jianxiong Zeng 蒋永 2022  Science of the Total Environment
Microbiologically induced calcite precipitation for in situ stabilization of heavy metals contributes to land application of sewage sludge 吕青阳,程雅朋,宦臣臣,蒋心茹,谭周亮 曾勇,陈泽智,闫志英 2022  Journal of Hazardous Materials
Phylogeny, character evolution, and classification of the fern family Ophioglossaceae based on Sanger sequence data, plastomes, and morphology 张良 张丽兵 2022  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Plastome structure, evolution, and phylogeny of Selaginella 周新茂 何兆荣,张丽兵 2022  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Phylogeny, character evolution, and biogeography of the fern genus Bolbitis (Dryopteridaceae) 梁振龙,万霞 张丽兵 2022  MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION
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