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论文题目 作者 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Dynamics of antibiotic resistance genes and microbial community in shortcut nitrification–denitrification process under antibiotic stresses 杨冲,王林,王欢,张红艳,王帆,周后珍 谭周亮,陈杨武 2022  Environmental Science and Pollution Research
A novel electrochemical sensor based on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria for highly specific and sensitive detection of nitrites 李晓云,汪婧婷,张礼霞 占国强 2022  Science of the total environment
Biocathode prepared at low anodic potentials achieved a higher response for water biotoxicity monitoring after polarity reversal 褚娜,蒋永,张礼霞,Raymond Jianxiong Zeng 李大平 2022  Science of the Total Environment
The research progress, hotspots, challenges and outlooks of solid-phase denitrification process 吴恒,汪婧婷 占国强 2022  Science of the total environment
Nitrogen removal characteristics of efficient heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification bacterium and application in biological deodorization 宦臣臣,闫志英,刘杨,曾勇,秦维,程雅朋,田雪平,谭周亮 吕青阳 2022  Bioresource Technology
Study on anaerobic co-digestion of municipal sewage sludge and fruit and vegetable wastes: Methane production, microbial community and three-dimension fluorescence excitation-emission matrix analysis 蒋心茹,吕青阳,刘明刚,宾石玉,刘杨,谢炎冬,姬高升,宦臣臣,闫志英,王新惠 2022  Bioresource Technology
A high-sensitive and durable electrochemical sensor based on Geobacter-dominated biofilms for heavy metal toxicity detection 汪婧婷,张礼霞 占国强 2022  biosensors & bioelectronics
Rapid detection of nitrite based on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria biosensor and its application in surface water monitoring 汪婧婷,杨旭,张礼霞 占国强 2022  biosensors & bioelectronics
Fates of antibiotic resistance genes during upgrading process of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in southwest China 王帆,陈杨武,王林,孟丹,朱荣霞,李勇 谭周亮,邓钦文 2022  Chemical Engineering Journal
Macro-Morphological and Ecological Variation in Rosa sericea Complex Fazal Ullah 高云东,高信芬 2022  Agronomy-Basel
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