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Hexachlorophene, a selective SHP2 inhibitor, suppresses proliferation and metastasis of KRAS-mutant NSCLC cells by inhibiting RAS/MEK/ERK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways 王飞 2022  Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Discovery of diarylheptanoids that activate α7 nAchR-JAK2-STAT3 signaling in macrophages with anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo 王飞 2022  Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Polyphenolic glycosides from the fruits extract of Lycium ruthenicum Murr and their monoamine oxidase B inhibitory and neuroprotective activities 胡义考,白小琳,袁昊,张懿 廖循 2022  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
1, 2-trans-Stereoselective 7-O-Glycosylation of Flavonoids with Unprotected Pyranoses by Mitsunobu Reaction 石海龙,杨建,程瑶,杨金连 卢晓霞,马小峰 2022  Chemistry-An Asian Journal
Sugar easters and xanthones from the roots of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. and their cytoprotective activity 王伦,李甫,王明奎 2022  Fitoterapia
A small molecule inhibitor of caspase-1 inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation and pyroptosis to alleviate gouty inflammation 王飞 2022  Immunology Letters
Discovery of a novel small-molecule inhibitor disrupting TRBP-Dicer interaction against hepatocellular carcinoma via the modulation of microRNA biogenesis 王飞 2022  Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal plants for anti-neurodegenerative diseases in West Africa Emmanuel AE,龚宇舟,袁昊,胡义考,白小琳 廖循 2022  Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Ligand fishing based on tubular microchannel modified with monoamine oxidase B for screening of the enzyme's inhibitors from Crocus sativus and Edgeworthia gardneri 祁绪伟,胡义考,袁昊 刘一鸣,廖循 2022  Journal of separation science
Fast screening of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitor from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge by cell display-based ligand fishing 白小琳,樊文钦,Luo YJ,Liu YP 张咏梅,廖循 2022  Molecules
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