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DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis to Identify Genes Related to Spontaneous Leaf Spots in a Wheat Variety ‘Zhongkenuomai No.1’ 徐智斌,王芳,樊小莉,冯波,周强 杨其长,王涛 2022  Agronomy-Basel
Genetic and transcriptomic dissection of an artifcially induced paired spikelets mutant of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 张镌钰,汤燕燕,蒲茜,邱雪冰,王金慧,李涛,杨钊,周姚,常玉晓,梁俊俊,张海莉,邓光兵 龙海 2022  Theoretical and Applied Genetics
High-resolution detection of quantitative trait loci for seven important yield-related traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using a high-density SLAF-seq genetic map 李涛,李俏,王金慧,杨钊,汤燕燕,苏燕,张镌钰,邱雪冰,蒲茜,潘志芬,张海莉,梁俊俊,刘泽厚,李俊,杨武云,余懋群,龙海,魏育明,邓光兵 2022  BMC Genomic Data
Construction of a novel Wheat 55 K SNP array-derived genetic map and its utilization in QTL mapping for grain yield and quality related traits 樊小莉,刘小凤,冯波,周强,邓光兵,龙海,曹俊,郭绍丹,纪光思 徐智斌,王涛 2022  Frontiers in Genetics
Genetic dissection of quantitative trait loci for flag leaf size in Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 陈良恩,徐智斌,樊小莉,周强,余琴,刘小凤,廖思敏,蒋城,林典,马芳 冯波,王涛 2022  Frontiers in Plant Science
Genetic Dissection of Three Major Quantitative Trait Loci for Spike Compactness and Length in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 余琴,徐智斌,樊小莉,周强,纪光思,廖思敏,高平 冯波,王涛 2022  Frontiers in Plant Science
Quantitative trait loci identification and breeding value estimation of grain weight-related traits based on a new wheat 50K single nucleotide polymorphism array-derived genetic map 刘小凤,徐智斌,冯波,周强,纪光思,郭绍丹,廖思敏,林典 樊小莉,王涛 2022  Frontiers in Plant Science
Extraction and characterization of waxy and normal barley β-glucans and their effects on waxy and normal barley starch pasting and degradation properties and mash filtration rate 李俏 潘志芬 2022  Carbohydrate Polymers
Identification of PP2C Genes in Tibetan Hulless Barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) Under Dehydration Stress and Initiatory Expression and Functional Analysis of HvPP2C59 易玲,李莉岚,张海莉,张云书,龙海,余懋群 梁俊俊,邓光兵 2022  Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
Identification and validation of major QTL for grain size and weight in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 纪光思,徐智斌,樊小莉,周强,陈良恩,余琴,廖思敏,蒋城 冯波,王涛 2022  Crop Journal
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