









  地下水的有机污染在世界范围内广泛存在由于污染场地结构复杂,污染物组成分布多样以及微生物之间协同竞争作用无法用常规方法进行研究,导致了污染修复的过程如“黑箱”, 修复过程难以控制,修复方式的评价和预测体系也很难建立。而不恰当的修复策略又会大幅度的增加资金和人力资源的投入。因此污染地下水的修复技术是一项世界性难题。相对于物理或化学修复技术,生物修复具有投资少、后期维护费用低、降解终产物无害等特点。因此先进的生物修复技术将在世界范围内拥有巨大的市场。

  博士研究课题受到了美国国家环境卫生研究中心和美国国家自然科学基金的项目支持。本课题研究的污染物三氯乙烯(缩写:TCE),作为最有效的有机溶剂之一,被广泛应用于各种工业领域。工业排放以及贮存过程中的泄漏事故,导致了大量地下水被污染。TCE及其降解中间产物是公认的致癌物质,对公共卫生安全造成潜在的威胁, 因此被列为美国环保部优先处理污染物。我的课题采用目前世界上唯一被报道的,能够全程降解TCE的厌氧微生物:产乙烯脱卤拟球菌 (Dehalococcoides缩写:Dhc)为研究对象, 通过构建可持续微生物共生体系和生物反应器,采用分子生物学和热力学的方式研究微生物之间关键的物质及能量的传递体系,利用宏组学和基因芯片技术研究微生物体系的构成与动态,并通过数学模型,预测各种环境条件干预对脱卤效果以及微生物生长的抑制或促进,采用动力学试验确定模型的各种参数。此研究有助于我们增进对于地下水生物修复关键过程的理解,并提高对于生物修复过程中电子和代谢产物传递体系的预测与控制。基于以上的研究思路,与导师合作(本人完成了主要的申请撰写工作),获批美国自然科学基金一项(CBET -1336709$300,000,20142017)《利用现代分子生物学和数学模型对氯代有机污染物厌氧修复过程中电子传递体系预测的系统性研究》。


  在清华大学国家污染控制重点实验室学习研究期间,跟随环境工程系王慧教授从事极端环境微生物对石油污染土地修复方面的研究,曾独立分离和富集出高效降解有机污染物 BTEX (苯,甲苯,二甲苯,乙苯)和多环芳烃(PAH)的嗜盐降解菌群,并成功分离两株新型具有降解多环芳烃功能的新菌株。




  1. 通过基因敲除和转基因小鼠来优化人源化小鼠内人树突状细胞和淋巴细胞的发育和功能

  2. 利用人源化小鼠模型研究二型白介素在临床治疗黑色素瘤引发的毒性机理




  Research  field: humanized mouse models for biomedical research 

  Humanized mice are created by transplantation of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and/or fetal tissues into recipient immunodeficient mice. It offers an in vivo platform to facilitate the study on human hematopoiesis, human specific immune responses against infections and tumors, and the evaluation of novel therapies/vaccines. With 15 years of successive development of immunodeficient mouse strains starting from late 1980s, one simple yet challenging goal was achieved:high levels of human CD45+ hematopoietic cells engraftment in NOG/NSG (NOD/Shi-scid/IL-2Rγ-/-) and BRG (Balb/c Rag2-/- IL2rg-/-) mice. These two strains of mice permit de novo human T cell development and have been intensively used for modeling human adaptive immunity against viral infections, such as HIV, EBV, and Dengue. However, human hematopoiesis in current models is biased to T and B cell development. Human NK cells and myeloid cells are under-represented. These cells have to compete with intact mouse myelopoiesis and only the murine homologs of SCF, Flt-3L and TPO may cross-react on human myeloid precursors. In past few years, significant progress has been made to improve the engraftment and function of human myeloid cells and NK cells. Along this timeline, my Ph.D thesis with Prof. Jianzhu Chen in MIT solved the puzzle of poor human macrophage reconstitution by identifying a substantial block of human immature monocytes in the bone marrow of humanized NSG mice. And one of my postdoc projects with Prof. James Di Santo in Institute Pasteur created humanized mice with specific boost of human dendritic cell by knocking out mouse flk2. With the development of these new models, humanized mice could mount more efficient innate and adaptive immune responses against model pathogens. Applying novel humanized mice to evaluate the preclinical/clinical anti-tumor immunotherapy becomes the new trend in both academia and industry. One of my postdoc project using humanized mice to model the high dose IL-2 treatment for metastatic melanoma have successfully reproduced the toxic effect associated with this treatment and emphasized the importance of regulatory T cells in the future improvement of this therapy. 


