来源:《应用与环境微生物学》 作者:安新丽等 时间:2019-01-07





该研究成果为研究污水处理对整合子动态变化影响提供了新的视角,强调了监测整合子携带的抗性基因的必要性。相关论文“Impact of wastewatertreatment on the prevalence of integrons and genetic diversity of integron genecassettes”已在线发表于国际微生物学杂志applied and Environmental Microbiology。该论文由博士生安新丽等人完成,通讯作者为研究员苏建强。(来源:中国科学院城市环境研究所)


Impact of wastewater treatment on the prevalence of integrons and genetic diversity of integron gene cassettes


Abstract  The integron platform allows the acquisition, expression, and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes within gene cassettes. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) contain abundant resistance genes; however, knowledge about the impacts of wastewater treatment on integrons and their gene cassettes is limited. In this study, by using clone library analysis and high-throughput sequencing, we investigated the abundance of class 1, 2, and 3 integrons and their corresponding gene cassettes in three urban WWTPs. Our results showed that class 1 integrons were most abundant in WWTPs and that wastewater treatment significantly reduced the abundance of all integrons. The WWTP influents harbored the highest diversity of class 1 integron gene cassettes, whereas class 3 integron gene cassettes exhibited highest diversity in activated sludge. Most of the gene cassette arrays detected in class 1 integrons were novel. Aminoglycoside, beta-lactam, and trimethoprim resistance genes were highly prevalent in class 1 integron gene cassettes, while class 3 integrons mainly carried beta-lactam resistance gene cassettes. A core class 1 integron resistance gene cassette pool persisted during wastewater treatment, implying that these resistance genes could have high potential to spread into environments through WWTPs. These data provide new insights into the impact of wastewater treatment on integron pools and highlight the need for surveillance of resistance genes within both class 1 and 3 integrons.




