近期,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所博士后江龙飞和合作导师罗春玲,利用DNA稳定性同位素探针技术(DNA-SIP),不经分离培养,对清远电子垃圾污染土壤中的PCBs降解微生物进行了原位研究。鉴定得到了包括Ralstonia,Cupriavidus和DA101在内的21种功能微生物,并首次报道了不可培养细菌DA101具有降解PCBs的能力。研究获得了1个13.8 kb的PCBs降解操纵子,通过解析操纵子结构,揭示了PCBs的降解机制(图1)和该操纵子的水平转移能力。基于四核苷酸指纹特征分析,成功地将功能基因与功能微生物联系了起来,证明了操纵子来自于Ralstonia(图2)。该研究在鉴定功能微生物的同时,揭示了PCBs微生物降解机制,并为功能基因起源分析提供了新途径。该研究成果不仅深化了PCBs污染土壤微生物修复的理论基础,为功能微生物的探查和功能基因的资源化利用亦提供了新思路。
该研究得到国家自然科学基金、广州市科技计划项目的资助,相关成果已发表于Environmental Science & Technology。(来源:中国科学院广州地球化学研究所)
Biphenyl-Metabolizing Microbial Community and a Functional Operon Revealed in E-Waste-Contaminated Soil
Abstract Primitive electronic waste (e-waste) recycling activities release massive amounts of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals into surrounding soils, posing a major threat to the ecosystem and human health. Microbes capable of metabolizing POPs play important roles in POPs remediation in soils, but their phylotypes and functions remain unclear. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), one of the main pollutants in e-waste contaminated soils, have drawn increasing attention due to their high persistence, toxicity, and bioaccumulation. In the present study, we employed the culture-independent method of DNA stable-isotope probing to identify active biphenyl and PCB degraders in e-waste-contaminated soil. A total of 19 rare operational taxonomic units and three dominant bacterial genera (Ralstonia, Cupriavidus, and uncultured bacterium DA101) were enriched in the 13C heavy DNA fraction, confirming their functions in PCBs metabolism. Additionally, a 13.8 kb bph operon was amplified, containing a bphA gene labeled by 13C that was concentrated in the heavy DNA fraction. The tetranucleotide signature characteristics of the bph operon suggest that it originated from Ralstonia. The bph operon may be shared by horizontal gene transfer because it contains a transposon gene and is found in various bacterial species. This study gives us a deeper understanding of PCB-degrading mechanisms and provides a potential resource for the bioremediation of PCBs-contaminated soils.