来源:《自然通讯》 作者:Jessica L. Bridgford等 时间:2018-10-16




根据一项最新发表在《Nature Communications》上的研究,科学家们已经找到了一种使用化疗药物显著增强世界上最有效的抗疟疾药物疗效的方法。来自墨尔本大学和日本药企Takeda的科学家们发现抗疟疾药物青蒿素是通过一种双重作用攻击致命疟原虫来发挥疗效的。这个药物会损伤疟原虫表面的蛋白质,堵塞疟原虫的废物处理系统——蛋白酶体。

墨尔本大学疟疾研究专家Leann Tilley说道:双重杀伤效应意味着将青蒿素和另一种靶向蛋白酶体的抗癌化疗药物联合使用以增强青蒿素的活性,可以有效恢复青蒿素对抗青蒿素耐受性病原体的能力。





Artemisinin kills malaria parasites by damaging proteins and inhibiting the proteasome


Abstract  Artemisinin and its derivatives (collectively referred to as ARTs) rapidly reduce the parasite burden in Plasmodium falciparuminfections, and antimalarial control is highly dependent on ART combination therapies (ACTs). Decreased sensitivity to ARTs is emerging, making it critically important to understand the mechanism of action of ARTs. Here we demonstrate that dihydroartemisinin (DHA), the clinically relevant ART, kills parasites via a two-pronged mechanism, causing protein damage, and compromising parasite proteasome function. The consequent accumulation of proteasome substrates, i.e., unfolded/damaged and polyubiquitinated proteins, activates the ER stress response and underpins DHA-mediated killing. Specific inhibitors of the proteasome cause a similar build-up of polyubiquitinated proteins, leading to parasite killing. Blocking protein synthesis with a translation inhibitor or inhibiting the ubiquitin-activating enzyme, E1, reduces the level of damaged, polyubiquitinated proteins, alleviates the stress response, and dramatically antagonizes DHA activity.




