小麦叶锈病作为小麦的三大锈病之一,是由小麦叶锈菌(Puccinia tirticina)引起的真菌病害,对小麦生产具有极大的威胁,严重爆发时可使小麦减产50%,而研究培育小麦叶锈病抗病品种是小麦生产上最为经济和安全有效的方法。但是,全面的了解目前生产小麦品种的抗叶锈性及其所含有的抗叶锈基因、发掘新的叶锈病抗源又是培育出抗性品种的一个前提条件。
在中国科学院战略性A类先导科技专项子课题和青海省重点研发与转化计划项目的支持下,中国科学院西北高原生物研究所张怀刚研究员带领的团队采用6个抗叶锈基因对青海省审定的66个小麦品种进行检测,相关研究结果发布在最新出版的《西北农业学报》(Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica)上。
Molecular Identification of Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in Bread Wheat Cultivars Released in Qinghai Province
Abstract To analyze the distribution of leaf rust resistance genes in 66 bread wheat cultivars which were released in Qinghai Province,six molecular markers of leaf rust resistance genes ( Lr1, Lr9, Lr24, Lr29, Lr34, Lr42) were applied to test 66 wheat cultivars. Of the 66 Qinghai released cultivars,16 cultivars carry Lr1gene;0 cultivars carry Lr9gene;18 cultivars carry Lr24 gene; 31 cultivars carry Lr29 gene; 5 cultivars carry Lr34 gene; and 23 cultivars carry Lr42 gene; accounting for 24.24%,0%,27.27%,46.97%,7.58% and 34.85% of the detected samples,respectively. Meanwhile,17 samples contain two resistance genes,accounting for 25.76%;9 samples contain three resistance genes,accounting for 13.64%; only ‘Qingchun 254’ contain four resistance genes. The distribution of Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in 66 wheat cultivars in Qinghai province provides the resources of resistance gene and has potential value for improving the resistance of leaf rust by pyramiding leaf rust resistant genes.