作者:Laura K. Henry等
《Nature Plants》杂志上最新文章,在普渡大学教授Natalia Dudareva和Salk主任Joseph P. Noel教授领导下,解开了植物如何开启或关闭萜类产量涨落的代谢控制途径,这项发现对最终克服萜类原材料产量瓶颈至关重要。
“几年前,我们实验室发现了一种存在于所有植物中的酶,名叫异戊烯磷酸激酶(IPK),它能调节萜类化合物的衰退和流出。我们最开始是在一种古细菌中发现了它的作用,”Joseph P. Noel教授说。“2010年和2013年我们首次鉴定了这种酶的3D结构和生化性质,并在所有植物中发现了先前未知的这种酶的编码基因,它们与最初在细菌中发现的极为相似。”
Nudix水解酶家族在所有生命体中都是保守的,但它们的生物学作用在很大程度上还是未定义的,文章共同一作、Noel实验室的博后研究员Suzanne Thomas说。“在这里,我们发现了它们在植物中的一个意想不到的新功能。”
“我们证明,下游萜类产品形成受IPK和Nudix共同调节,”文章共同一作、Dudareva实验室的博士生Laura Henry说。“如果植物生产太多萜类化合物,可能有毒害作用,这就是植物限制它的原因和背后机理。” (来源:生物通 伍松)
Contribution of isopentenyl phosphate to plant terpenoid metabolism
Abstract Plant genomes encode isopentenyl phosphate kinases (IPKs) that reactivate isopentenyl phosphate (IP) via ATP-dependent phosphorylation, forming the primary metabolite isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) used generally for isoprenoid/terpenoid biosynthesis. Therefore, the existence of IPKs in plants raises unanswered questions concerning the origin and regulatory roles of IP in plant terpenoid metabolism. Here, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence showing that IP forms during specific dephosphorylation of IPP catalysed by a subset of Nudix superfamily hydrolases. Increasing metabolically available IP by overexpression of a bacterial phosphomevalonate decarboxylase (MPD) in Nicotiana tabacum resulted in significant enhancement in both monoterpene and sesquiterpene production. These results indicate that perturbing IP metabolism results in measurable changes in terpene products derived from both the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) and mevalonate (MVA) pathways. Moreover, the unpredicted peroxisomal localization of bacterial MPD led us to discover that the step catalysed by phosphomevalonate kinase (PMK) imposes a hidden constraint on flux through the classical MVA pathway. These complementary findings fundamentally alter conventional views of metabolic regulation of terpenoid metabolism in plants and provide new metabolic engineering targets for the production of high-value terpenes in plants.