来源:《自然—通讯》 作者:Anna Harper等 时间:2018-08-23






研究团队在英国《自然·通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志上发表报告说,现在国际上控制全球升温的方案中都包含使用生物质能碳捕集与封存(BECCS)策略,即通过生物能源作物从大气中吸收二氧化碳,这些作物作为燃料进行发电等提供能源,最终实现碳的捕捉及封存。但这种方法需要占用大量土地来种植生物能源作物。




研究人员说,加拿大东部和俄罗斯西部等高纬度地区的森林需要加强保护,而在一些土壤已经退化或森林被砍伐的地区,可能更适合种植生物能源作物进行碳捕集与封存。(来源:新华网 张家伟)


Land-use emissions play a critical role in land-based mitigation for Paris climate targets


Abstract  Scenarios that limit global warming to below 2?°C by 2100 assume significant land-use change to support large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the atmosphere by afforestation/reforestation, avoided deforestation, and Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). The more ambitious mitigation scenarios require even greater land area for mitigation and/or earlier adoption of CO2removal strategies. Here we show that additional land-use change to meet a 1.5?°C climate change target could result in net losses of carbon from the land. The effectiveness of BECCS strongly depends on several assumptions related to the choice of biomass, the fate of initial above ground biomass, and the fossil-fuel emissions offset in the energy system. Depending on these factors, carbon removed from the atmosphere through BECCS could easily be offset by losses due to land-use change. If BECCS involves replacing high-carbon content ecosystems with crops, then forest-based mitigation could be more efficient for atmospheric CO2 removal than BECCS.




