来源:《细胞报告》 作者:曹树青等 时间:2018-07-26




近日,合肥工业大学科研人员首次成功探明功能性基因DFR1在植物面对恶劣环境时调节适应能力的机制,为提高农经作物抗冻抗旱能力开辟了新的理论路径。相关研究结果发表在《细胞报告》(Cell Reports上。




据介绍,通过基因编辑技术提高该基因的表达水平,这一成果可大幅提升植物在恶劣环境中的存活率和生物量,在农经作物抗逆分子育种等领域具有极其广阔的应用前景。(来源:中国科学报 周慧 杨保国)


DFR1-Mediated Inhibition of Proline Degradation Pathway Regulates Drought and Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis


Abstract  Proline accumulation is one of the most important adaptation mechanisms for plants to cope with environmental stresses, such as drought and freezing. However, the molecular mechanism of proline homeostasis under these stresses is largely unknown. Here, we identified a mitochondrial protein, DFR1, involved in the inhibition of proline degradation in ArabidopsisDFR1 was strongly induced by drought and cold stresses. The dfr1 knockdown mutants showed hypersensitivity to drought and freezing stresses, whereas the DFR1 overexpression plants exhibited enhanced tolerance, which was positively correlated with proline levels. DFR1 interacts with proline degradation enzymes PDH1/2 and P5CDH and compromises their activities. Genetic analysis showed that DFR1 acts upstream of PDH1/2 and P5CDH to positively regulate proline accumulation. Our results demonstrate a regulatory mechanism by which, under drought and freezing stresses, DFR1 interacts with PDH1/2 and P5CDH to abrogate their activities to maintain proline homeostasis, thereby conferring drought and freezing tolerance.




