作者:Wolfgang Wuster
并未参与该项研究的美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校进化生物学家Guinevere Wogan说,新的发现“强化了这些蟾蜍是主要威胁的观点”。她说,摸清有多少物种是潜在的脆弱物种,“对于如何应对这种生物入侵并拯救生物多样性至关重要”。
英国威尔士班戈大学的爬虫学家Wolfgang Wuster说:“马达加斯加岛已经被隔离了8000万年到9000万年,并且从来没有过蟾蜍这种生物。”
其他的捕食者缺乏一组具有抗性的基因突变—— 一旦这些狐猴、蛇、蜥蜴和其他本土物种开始以蟾蜍为食,那么它们就会变得非常脆弱。“小的两栖动物是非常容易捕获的猎物。”Wuster说,“没有什么动物会不吃它们。”
迄今为止,这些蟾蜍还没有进入大多数本土物种的势力范围,因为它们只在该岛东北海岸约350公里的狭长地带内被发现。但是,“这些蟾蜍的活动范围正在迅速扩大。”新西兰自然保护部保护生物学家James Reardon说。Reardon说,蟾蜍是多产的繁殖动物,其中一只雌性蟾蜍可以生产数千只卵,而马达加斯加有大量的稻田、水道和排水系统,这些都在帮助它们扩张。“这里是蟾蜍的天堂。”
“这是世界上最具侵略性的两种蟾蜍之一,另一种是臭名昭著的海蟾蜍。”安阿伯市密歇根大学爬虫学家Fred Kraus说,“所以我没有看到任何能够阻止它们的东西……在这一点上,你可能需要花费数百万美元。”
更糟糕的是,马达加斯加岛上的许多本土物种在小块的栖息地上艰难地生存,因为岛上的大部分地区被砍伐殆尽,Wuster说。他补充说,蟾蜍“是那种能真正把它们击倒在地的东西”。(来源:中国科学报 赵熙熙)
Widespread vulnerability of Malagasy predators to the toxins of an introduced toad
Abstract Invasive species are a key factor contributing to the global decline of biodiversity, and understanding the underlying mechanisms is crucial to mitigate detrimental effects [1]. One such mechanism is the introduction of invasive species with defensive strategies, such as novel toxins, that can disrupt native predator communities [2]. Disruption of such communities can produce trophic cascades, impacting a diverse array of taxa [2]. Madagascar, a globally significant biodiversity hotspot, has recently experienced the introduction of a toxic bufonid amphibian, the Asian common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) [3]. Since its invasion, the toad population has expanded rapidly, making control efforts problematic and eradication extremely difficult [4]. Previous cases of bufonid introductions, such as the ongoing spread of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia, have resulted in the decimation of many indigenous species [2], prompting fears that Madagascar may be similarly impacted [4]. Here we show that these fears are warranted: we demonstrate that many Malagasy vertebrates are likely to be susceptible to the toxins of this invasive toad.