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发表日期: 2016-03-21 作者: Csanad Gurdon等 文章来源:《PNAS》
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  作者:Csanad Gurdon   来源:《PNAS 发布时间:2016/3/9 

  Fig. 1. 

  Fig. 4. 

  一项研究报告说,线粒体可以通过两个烟草物种——普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)和林生烟草(Nicotiana sylvestri)的嫁接接合处从一个细胞运动到另一个细胞中。尽管植物的许多水平基因转移事件涉及线粒体序列,但是植物线粒体在细胞间运动的证据却几乎不存在。Pal Maliga及其同事使用两种烟草植物——普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)和林生烟草(Nicotiana sylvestri)——调查了线粒体的细胞间运动。这组作者使用了一个实验系统,在其中,普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)的细胞质被波缘烟草(Nicotiana undulata)的细胞质取代,后者携带了一种导致不育的线粒体基因组,让普通烟草的雄花不育。林生烟草(Nicotiana sylvestri)是可育的,这组作者通过监测从嫁接接合处再生的普通烟草植株的开花事件,可以探测到罕见的线粒体DNAmtDNA)从林生烟草到普通烟草的转移,这是由于线粒体DNAmtDNA)的转移恢复了可育的花解剖结构。这组作者识别出了再生的植株中的可育的花的分支,表明了通过这种嫁接接合处的细胞到细胞的线粒体运动。当这组作者分析这些线粒体基因组的时候,他们发现了广泛的重组,并且识别出了orf293基因很可能是造成了雄性不育的基因。在嫁接过程中的这种线粒体细胞到细胞的运动可能重现了在进化过程中发生的水平线粒体DNAmtDNA)转移。这组作者说,这类细胞间运动可能用于把线粒体DNAmtDNA)转移给其他物种。(来源:生物360 


  Cell-to-cell movement of mitochondria in plants 


  We report cell-to-cell movement of mitochondria through a graft junction. Mitochondrial movement was discovered in an experiment designed to select for chloroplast transfer from Nicotiana sylvestris into Nicotiana tabacum cells. The alloplasmic N. tabacum line we used carries Nicotiana undulata cytoplasmic genomes, and its flowers are male sterile due to the foreign mitochondrial genome. Thus, rare mitochondrial DNA transfer from N. sylvestris to N. tabacum could be recognized by restoration of fertile flower anatomy. Analyses of the mitochondrial genomes revealed extensive recombination, tentatively linking male sterility to orf293, a mitochondrial gene causing homeotic conversion of anthers into petals. Demonstrating cell-to-cell movement of mitochondria reconstructs the evolutionary process of horizontal mitochondrial DNA transfer and enables modification of the mitochondrial genome by DNA transmitted from a sexually incompatible species. Conversion of anthers into petals is a visual marker that can be useful for mitochondrial transformation. 



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