  • 寇涌苹
  • 电子邮件:kouyp@cib.ac.cn
  • 职  称:副研究员
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
  • 邮  编:610213



    主要从事大尺度土壤微生物生态学研究以及森林植物根系与土壤微生物相互作用机制研究,以第一/通讯作者先后在Global Ecology and Biogeography, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Geoderma, mSystems 等国际刊物发表SCI论文17篇。申请授权国家发明专利3项。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、第二次青藏科考项目农田微生物专题、四川省科技计划应用基础研究重点项目、四川省环境治理与生态保护重大科技专项子课题等8项。指导/协助指导硕士、博士研究生3名。










1.   国家自然科学基金面上项目, 外生菌根真菌介导的亚高山森林优势树种种间竞争及其对氮添加的响应, 2022.01-2025.12, 主持

2.   中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目, 2021.01-2024.12, 主持

3.   第二次青藏高原综合考察研究, 农田生态系统与粮食安全专题-农田土壤微生物群落特征科考研究, 2019.11-2022.10, 主持

4.   四川省科技计划应用基础研究重点项目, 川西亚高山森林自然恢复过程中建群树种定居调控技术研发, 2019.01-2021.01, 主持

5.   四川省环境治理与生态保护重大科技专项子课题, 退化灌丛促进正向演替与水源涵养功能提升技术与示范, 2018.09-2020.09, 主持

6.   中国科学院“西部之光”西部青年学者B类人才项目, 川西亚高山森林物种共存的土壤微生物学机制, 2018.01-2020.12, 主持

7.   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 土壤反硝化细菌和真菌在海拔梯度上的空间分异、动态变化及对反硝化作用的相对献, 2017.01-2019.12, 主持

8.   四川省自然科学基金(青年基金), 川西亚高山人工林根系分泌物调控病原菌对幼苗更新的影响机理, 2024.01- 2025.12, 主持

9.   国家自然科学基金重点项目. 西南亚高山森林植被自然恢复过程的地下驱动机制:近交远攻假说, 2020.01-2024.12, 参加


1. Kai Fang, Na Tang, Jia Liu, Xiaoying Zhang, Heliang He, Wenqiang Zhao, Yongping Kou*, Qing Liu*, 2024. The influence of soil factors on protist community dynamics during plant succession in subalpine natural and planted forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191: 109365.

2. Lin Xu#, Yongping Kou#, Wenjun Xiong, Chaonan Li, Ping Zou, Bingjie Jiao, Zhenfeng Xu, Bo Tan, Minjie Yao, Bingchang Zhang, Xiangzhen Li, 2023. Soil depths and developmental stages of biological soil crusts are more important than shrub cover in structuring prokaryotic communities. Catena 232: 107436.

3. Yang Lin, Jiangtao Xiao*, Yonging Kou*, Jiaxing Zu, Xinran Yu, Yuanyuan Li, 2023. Aboveground carbon sequestration rate in alpine forests on the eastern Tibetan Plateau: impacts of future forest management options. Journal of Plant Ecology 16(3): rtad001.

4. Kai Fang, Yan Jiao Liu, Wen Qiang Zhao, Jia Liu, Xiao Ying Zhang, He Liang He, Yongping Kou*, Qing Liu*, 2023. Stand age alters fungal community composition and functional guilds in subalpine Picea asperata plantations. Applied Soil Ecology 188: 104860.

5. Xiaoying Zhang, Wenqiang Zhao, Yongping Kou*, Kai Fang, Yanjiao Liu, Heliang He, Qing Liu*, 2023. The contrasting responses of abundant and rare microbial community structures and co-occurrence networks to secondary forest succession in the subalpine region. Frontiers in microbiology 14: 1177239.

6. Yongping Kou, Chaonan Li, Bo Tu, Jiabao Li, Xiangzhen Li*, 2023. The responses of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms to different environmental factors determine their elevational distribution and assembly patterns. Microbial Ecology 86(1), 485-496.

7. Xiaoying Zhang, Wenqiang Zhao, Yongping Kou*, Yanjiao Liu, Heliang He, Qing Liu*, 2023. Secondary forest succession drives differential responses of bacterial communities and interactions rather than bacterial functional groups in the rhizosphere and bulk soils in a subalpine region. Plant and Soil 484(1-2), 293-312.

8. Xiaoying Zhang, Wenqiang Zhao, Yanjiao Liu, Heliang He, Yongping Kou*, Qing Liu*, 2022. Dominant plant species and soil properties drive differential responses of fungal communities and functions in the soils and roots during secondary forest succession in the subalpine region. Rhizosphere 21.

9. Yongping Kou, Wenqiang Zhao, Yanjiao Liu, Yanhong Wu, Jiangtao Xiao, Xiaohu Wang, Haijian Bing, Qing Liu*, 2021. Diversity pattern and divers of methanotrophic gene distribution in forest soils across a large latitudinal gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 2004-2015.

10. Yongping Kou, Yanjiao Liu, Jiabao Li, Chaonan Li, Bo Tu, Minjie Yao, Xiangzhen Li*, 2021. Patterns and drivers of nirK-Type and nirS-Type denitrifier community assembly along an elevation gradient. mSystems 6.

11. Yongping Kou, Kai Wei, Chaonan Li, Yansu Wang, Bo Tu, Junming Wang, Xiangzhen Li*, Minjie Yao*, 2020. Deterministic processes dominate soil methanotrophic community assembly in grassland soils. Geoderma 359: 114004.

12. Wenqiang Zhao#, Yongping Kou#, Xiaohu Wang, Yanhong Wu, Haijian Bing, Qing Liu*, 2020. Broad-scale distribution of diazotrophic communities is driven more by aridity index and temperature than by soil properties across various forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(12): 2119-2130.

13. Haijun Liao, Chaonan Li, Yingwei Ai, Yongping Kou*, 2020. Gut microbiome is more stable in males than in females during the development of colorectal cancer. Journal of Applied Microbiology 131(1), 435-448.

14. Yanjiao Liu, Xiangzhen Li, Yongping Kou*, 2020. Ectomycorrhizal fungi: participation in nutrient turnover and community assembly pattern in forest ecosystems. Forests 11(4), 453.

15. Yongping Kou, Chaonan Li, Jiabao Li, Bo Tu, Yansu Wang, Xiangzhen Li*, 2019. Climate and soil parameters are more important than denitrifier abundances in controlling potential denitrification rates in Chinese grassland soils. Science of The Total Environment 669: 62-69.

16. Yongping Kou, Jiabao Li, Yansu Wang, Chaonan Li, Bo Tu, Minjie Yao*, Xiangzhen Li*, 2017. Scale-dependent key drivers controlling methane oxidation potential in Chinese grassland soils, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 111: 104-114.

17. Yongping Kou, Kai Wei, Guanxiong Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Hui Xu*, 2015.  Effects of 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and dicyandiamide on nitrous oxide emission in a greenhouse vegetable soil. Plant Soil and Environment 61(1): 29-35.

18. 寇涌苹*, 张晓瑛, 赵文强, 汤娜.青藏高原农田土壤氨氧化古菌和细菌数量与活性及对氨氧化过程的贡献[J].应用与环境生物学报, 2022, 28(04):883-889.

19. 刘艳娇, 樊丹丹, 李香真, 赵文强, 寇涌苹*. 人工与天然云杉林土壤真菌群落多样性及菌群网络关系特征. 应用生态学报, 2020, 32(4): 1441-1451.

20. 刘艳娇,刘庆,贺合亮,赵文强, 寇涌苹*. 亚高山不同林龄粗枝云杉人工林土壤原核微生物群落结构与功能变化特征.应用生态学报, 2024. 已接收.