  • 李家宝
  • 电子邮件:lijb@cib.ac.cn
  • 职  称:青年研究员
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 通讯地址:成都市人民南路四段九号
  • 邮  编:610041












1. 国家科技部重点研发计划子课题:厌氧消化高灵敏失稳预警与精准控制(2023-2027)

2. 四川省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目:单细胞蛋白酵母D. hansenii菌体合成关键基因的筛选与功能验证(2024-2025)

3. 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目课题:沼液一步法生产单细胞蛋白饲料技术(2023-2025)

4. 中科院西部之光西部青年学者A类:高氨氮利用单细胞蛋白菌Candida utilis的基因工程改造(2022-2024)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:山地森林土壤中氨氧化古菌和细菌、反硝化真菌和细菌介导的氧化亚氮排放及其作用机制(2019-2022)

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:土壤甲烷氧化菌群落在海拔梯度上的空间分异(2015-2017)

7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目课题:微生物对土壤P生物地球化学循环的驱动作用(2017-2021)

8. 中科院生物多样性网络项目:土壤微生物多样性监测(2021-2023)

9. 中国科学院继续教育培训项目:生物信息学与生态统计(2021-2021)

10. 四川省中央引导地方科技发展专项项目:厨余垃圾定向腐殖化过程及微生物机理研究(2020-2021)

11. 中国科学院“十三五”信息化专项项目:环境微生物多样性重点数据库建设与应用(2018-2020)

12. 四川省应用基础研究项目:新型金属有机骨架材料(MOFs)提高甲烷发酵速率的关键材料学特征及其微生物学机制(2017-2018)

13. 中科院重点实验室青年创新团队:畜禽粪污梯级资源回收(2016-2021)

14. 中科院重点实验室开放课题:新型产甲烷促进材料的筛选及其微生物学机制(2016-2018)

15. 国家科技支撑计划课题:果蔬废弃物厌氧消化工艺及装备研究(2014-2016)

16. 国家科技部973课题:产甲烷系统微生物群落协同作用机制解析(2013-2017)

17. 企业委托项目:植物叶片内生真菌群落分析(2016-2017)

18. 企业委托项目:土壤真菌群落多样性分析(2015-2016)

19. 企业委托项目:异育银鲫养殖环境及肠道微生物群落分析(2015-2016)


Liu K., Huang S., Zhang, L., Xiong Y., Wang X., Bao Y., Li D., andLi J.*(2024). Efficient production of single cell protein from biogas slurry using screened alkali-salt-tolerantDebaryomyces hansenii. Bioresource Technology 393: 130119

Xiong, W., Li, J.*, Liu, J., Li, C., He, Z., Li, X. 2024. Quantification of microbially induced soil N2O emissions by an inhibitory cocktail in mountain forest ecosystems. Geoderma, 443:  116835

Li C., Tu B., Kou Y., Wang Y., Li X., Wang J. and Li J.* (2021). The assembly of methanotrophic communities regulated by soil pH in a mountain ecosystem. CATENA 196: 104883. CATENA. 2020.104883

Li J., Xie T., Zhu H., Zhou J., Li C., Xiong W., Xu L., Wu Y., He Z. and Li X. (2021). Alkaline phosphatase activity mediates soil organic phosphorus mineralization in a subalpine forest ecosystem. Geoderma 404: 115376

Li J., Li C., Kou Y., Yao M., He Z. and Li X. (2020). Distinct mechanisms shape soil bacterial and fungal co-occurrence networks in a mountain ecosystem. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96: doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa030

Li J., Shen Z., Li C., Kou Y., Wang Y., Tu B., Zhang S. and Li X. (2018). Stair-Step Pattern of Soil Bacterial Diversity Mainly Driven by pH and Vegetation Types Along the Elevational Gradients of Gongga Mountain, China. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:  doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00569

Li J., Rui J., Yao M., Zhang S., Yan X., Wang Y., Yan Z. and Li X. (2015). Substrate Type and Free Ammonia Determine Bacterial Community Structure in Full-Scale Mesophilic Anaerobic Digesters Treating Cattle or Swine Manure. Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 1337

Li J., Rui J., Pei Z., Sun X., Zhang S., Yan Z., Wang Y., Liu X., Zheng T. and Li X. (2014). Straw- and slurry-associated prokaryotic communities differ during co-fermentation of straw and swine manure. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98: 4771-4780

Li J., Cai S., Luo Y. and Dong X. (2011). Three feruloyl esterases in Cellulosilyticum ruminicola H1 act synergistically to hydrolyze esterified polysaccharides. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 6141-6147

Zhang M., Lin Q., Rui J., Li J.* and Li X. (2017). Ammonium inhibition through the decoupling of acidification process and methanogenesis in anaerobic digester revealed by high throughput sequencing. Biotechnology Letters 39: 247-252

Wang Y., Li H., Li J.* and Li X.* (2017). The diversity and co-occurrence patterns of diazotrophs in the steppes of Inner Mongolia. CATENA 157: 130-138

Lin Q., De Vrieze J., He G., Li X. and Li J.* (2016). Temperature regulates methane production through the function centralization of microbial community in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology 216: 150-158

Lin Q., He G., Rui J., Fang X., Tao Y., Li J.* and Li X..* (2016). Microorganism-regulated mechanisms of temperature effects on the performance of anaerobic digestion. Microbial Cell Factories 15: 96

Tu Q.#, Li J.#, Shi Z., Chen Y., Lin L., Li J., Wang H., Yan J., Zhou Q., Li X., Li L., Zhou J. and He Z. (2017). HuMiChip2 for strain level identification and functional profiling of human microbiomes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101: 423-435

Rui J.#, Li J.#, Wang S., An J., Liu W.T., Lin Q. and Yang Y. (2015). Responses of Bacterial Communities to Simulated Climate Changes in Alpine Meadow Soil of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 6070-6077

Rui J.#, Li J.#, Zhang S., Yan X., Wang Y. and Li X. (2015). The core populations and co-occurrence patterns of prokaryotic communities in household biogas digesters. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8: 158

Tao Y.#, Li J.#, Rui J., Xu Z., Zhou Y., Hu X., Wang X., Liu M., Li D. and Li X. (2014). Prokaryotic communities in pit mud from different-aged cellars used for the production of Chinese strong-flavored liquor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80: 2254-2260

张小元, 李香真, 李家宝* (2016). 微生物互营产甲烷研究进展. 应用与环境生物学报 22: 156-166

李家宝, 芮俊鹏, 张时恒, 孙晓日, 闫志英, 刘晓风, 郑涛, 李香真 (2014). 原核微生物菌群的空间分异增强秸秆-猪粪混合发酵效率. 化工学报 65: 1792-1799