  • 高云东
  • 电子邮件:gaoyd@cib.ac.cn
  • 职  称:副研究员
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
  • 邮  编:610213


2017年9月至2018年9月 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(UW-Madison)访问学者

2015年10月至今 中国科学院成都生物所 副研究员

2014年7月至2015年10月 中国科学院成都生物所 助理研究员

2012年7月至2014年7月 中国科学院成都生物所 博士后 助理研究员

2007年9月至2012年6月 四川大学生命科学学院 博士

2005年9月至2007年7月 四川大学化工学院 本科

2003年9月至2005年7月 成都中医药大学药学院 本科








2.四川省自然科学基金面上项目《西南地区药用贝母属植物资源与保护现状》,项目编号 2023NSFSC0141, 2023-2024年。

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目《岷江百合 Lilium regale Wilson及近缘类群生态物种形成机制研究》项目编号31770406,2018-2021年。





1. Chang-Qiu Liu, Yang Niu, Qing-Biao Lu, Zhe Chen, Bo Cai, Ye Fang, Yun-Dong Gao*. Papilio butterfly vs hawkmoth pollination explains floral syndrome dichotomy in a clade of Lilium. 2022. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199: 678–693.

2. Yuan YM and Gao YD*. 2024. Lilium liangiae, a new species in the genus Lilium (Liliaceae) that reveals parallel evolution within morphology. Front. Plant Sci. 15:1371237. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1371237

3.Gao Y-D, AJ Harris, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He. 2013. Evolutionary events in Lilium (including Nomocharis, Liliaceae) are temporally correlated with orogenies of the Q–T plateau and the Hengduan Mountains. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 443-460.

4. Gao Y-D, Harris A, Li H and Gao X. 2020. Hybrid Speciation and Introgression Both Underlie the Genetic Structures and Evolutionary Relationships of Three Morphologically Distinct Species of Lilium (Liliaceae) Forming a Hybrid Zone Along an Elevational Gradient. Front. Plant Sci. 11:576407. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.576407

5. Givnish, Thomas & Skin-Ner, Mark & Re etnik, Ivana & kinci, Nursel & Kriebel, Ricardo & Lemmon, Alan & Lemmon, Emily & Gao, Yundong. 2020. Evolution, Geographic Spread and Floral Diversification of the Genus Lilium with special reference to the lilies of North America. Quarterly Bulletin 26-44.

6. Gao Y-DGao X-F, Harris AJ. 2019. Species boundaries and parapatric speciation in the complex of alpine shrubs, Rosa sericea (Rosaceae), based on population genetics and ecological tolerances. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:321.

7. Gao Y-D, Gao X-F. 2017. Lectotypification of the name Lilium lancifolium (Liliaceae). Taxon 66 (1): 172–174.

8. Gao, Y-D, Zhang Y, Gao, X-F, Zhu Z-M. 2015. Pleistocene glaciations, demographic expansion and subsequent isolation promoted morphological heterogeneity: A phylogeographic study of the alpine Rosa sericea complex (Rosaceae). Scientific Reports 5:11698.

9. Gao, Y-D, Harris AJ, & He X-J. 2015. Morphological and ecological divergence of Lilium and Nomocharis within the Hengduan Mountains and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may result from habitat specialization and hybridization. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15.

10. Gao Y-D, Zhou S-D, He X-J, Wan J. 2012. Chromosome diversity and evolution in tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae) with emphasis on Chinese species. Journal of Plant Research 125: 55-69.

11. Gao Y-D, Markus Hohenegger, AJ Harris, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He, Juan Wan. 2012. A new species in the genus Nomocharis Franchet (Liliaceae): evidence that brings the genus Nomocharis into Lilium. Plant Systematics and Evolution 298: 69–85.

12. Gao Y-D. 2015. Continuous variation supports accommodating Lilium habaense and L. xanthellum within L. stewartianum (Liliaceae). Phytotaxa 226 (2): 196–198.

13. Gao Y-D, Gao X-F. 2016. Accommodating Nomocharis in Lilium (Liliaceae). Phytotaxa 277 (2): 205–210.

14.Gao Y-D, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He. 2013. Lilium yapingense (Liliaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, and its systematic significance relative to Nomocharis. Ann. Bot. Fennici 50: 187–194.

15.Gao Y-D, Zhou S-D, He X-J. 2011. Karyotype studies of thirty-two species in the genus Lilium (Liliaceae) of China. Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 746-761.

16.Gao Y-D, Zhou S-D, He X-J. 2009. Karyoytpes of Four Genera in Liliaceae (s. str.) from Hengduan Mountains of Southwestern China. Plant Diversity 31(5): 399-405.


1.Zhao X-L, Zhu Z-M, Gao X-F, Gao Y-D, Xu B. 2017. The demographic response of a deciduous shrub (the Indigofera bungeana complex, Fabaceae) to the Pleistocene climate changes in East Asia. Scientific Reports 7(1): 697. \

2. Li M, Ohi-Toma T, Gao Y-D, et al. 2017. Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of Sorbus sensu stricto, (Rosaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 111:76-86.

3. Peng Y-L, Ju W-B, Gao X-F, Gao Y-D. 2015. Youngia purpimea (Asteraceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa 236(2):191.

4. Li M-J, Tan J-B, Xie D-F, Huang D-Q, Gao Y-D, He X-J. 2015. Revisiting the evolutionary events in Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae): Insights into the effect of the Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR) uplift and Quaternary climatic fluctuations to the environmental changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94 (part B).

5. Bai X, Ma X-G, Gao Y-D, et al. 2015. Intraspecific differentiation of Pleurospermum hookeri (Apiaceae), and its interspecific relationships with two close relatives in the genus Pleurospermum. Journal of Systematics & Evolution, 2015, 53(4):308-320.

6. Harris A, Papes M, Gao Y-D, et al. 2014. Estimating paleoenvironments using ecological niche models of nearest living relatives: A case study of Eocene Aesculus L. Journal of Systematics & Evolution 52(1):16-34.

7. Deng X-L, He X-J, He W-L, Gao Y-D, Liu H-Y, & Zhang Y-C. 2009. Karyotype and cytogeography of the genus Heracleum (apiaceae) in the hengduan mountains. Journal of Systematics & Evolution 47(4), 273-285.

8. Liu C-Q, Gao Y-D, Niu Y, Sun H. 2019. Floral adaptations of two lilies: implications for the evolution and pollination ecology of huge trumpet-shaped lilies. American Journal of Botany 106(5):622-632. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1275.