  • 王涛
  • 职  务:作物分子设计育种项目组主任
  • 电子邮件:wangtao@cib.ac.cn
  • 职  称:正研级高级工程师
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
  • 邮  编:610213


 1992年毕业于西南农业大学,获农学学士学位;1999年获西南农业大学硕士学位;2004年获四川农业大学博士学位。2003年作为中方主持人在捷克Kromeriz农业研究所执行科技部中-捷政府间科技合作项目;2004年在日本福井县立大学和国立带广农业畜产大学执行中国科学院与日本学术振兴会合作项目; 2005年作为访问学者,在美国华盛顿州立大学/美国农业部农业研究局开展合作研究;2008年作为高级访问学者,在美国加州大学戴维斯分校开展合作研究;2011-2012年获得唐氏基金 (Tang Cornell-China Scholars Program)资助,作为访问教授在美国康奈尔大学/美国农业部农业研究局开展合作研究。2006年起任中国科学院成都生物研究所研究员,2001年入选中组部-中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划。2013年任中国科学院成都平原农业生态试验站站长,2016年任中国科学院成都生物所作物育种研究学科团组首席科学家;2018年任中国科学院种子创新研究院麦类作物品质改良科技创新团队首席科学家;2019年任中国科学院成都生物所作物分子育种项目组主任,中国科学院成都生物研究所学术委员会委员、中国科学院成都生物研究所学位委员会委员。目前已主持培育出一系列高产、优质、抗病小麦品种(系)以及高花青素、高微量元素、高支链淀粉含量的小麦新品种10个。其中,中科麦138、中科麦47、中科麦169、中科麦13等属高产抗病小麦品种;中科糯麦1号、中科糯麦208、中科糯麦258、中科紫糯麦168等属全糯特色小麦品种;中科麦38、中科麦181属优质弱筋小麦品种。中科麦138是2016年四川省主推小麦品种之一,中科糯麦1号是西南麦区首个兼具高产和全糯的特色小麦品种,中科紫糯麦168是西南地区首个集高产、抗病、高花青素于一体的紫色全糯小麦品种。在国内外主流刊物发表论文70余篇,获得国家植物新品种权6件、国家发明专利6件,获中科院科技进步一等奖1项。 



课题组链接: http://www.cib.cas.cn/yjxt/202210/t20221014_6524611.html




  Guangsi Ji, Bo Feng*, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Qiang Zhou, Liangen Cheng, Qin Yu, Simin Liao,Cheng Jiang, Tao Wang*. Identification and validation of major QTL for grain size and weight in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. The Crop Journal, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.06.014 

  Xiaofeng Liu, Zhibin Xu, Bo Feng, Qiang Zhou, Guangsi Ji, Shaodan Guo, Simin Liao, Dian Lin, Xiaoli Fan* and Tao Wang*. QTL identification and breeding value estimation of grain weight-related traits based on a new Wheat 50K SNP array-derived genetic map[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,3074.    

  Zhibin Xu, Fang Wang, Xiaoli Fan, Bo Feng, Qiang Zhou, Qichang Yang* and Tao Wang*. DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis to Identify Genes Related to Spontaneous Leaf Spots in a Wheat Variety ‘Zhongkenuomai No. 1’[J]. Agronomy, 2022, 12(7): 1519.    

  Xiaoli Fan, Xiaofeng Liu, Bo Feng, Qiang Zhou, Guangbing Deng, Hai Long, Jun Cao, Shaodan Guo, Guangsi Ji, Zhibin Xu* and Tao Wang*. Construction of a novel Wheat 55 K SNP array-derived genetic map and its utilization in QTL mapping for grain yield and quality related traits[J]. Frontiers in genetics, 2022, 13.    

  Qin Yu, Bo Feng*, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Qiang Zhou, Guangsi Ji, Simin Liao,Ping Gao and Tao Wang*. Genetic Dissection of Three Major Quantitative Trait Loci for Spike Compactness and Length in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Frontiers in plant science, 2022, 13: 882655.    

  Guangsi Ji,Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Qiang Zhou,Qin Yu, Xiaofeng Liu,Simin Liao, Bo Feng*,Tao Wang. Identification of a major and stable QTL on chromosome 5A confers spike length in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mol Breeding (2021) 41: 56.    

  Fang Wang, Guangsi Ji, Zhibin Xu, Bo Feng, Qiang Zhou, Xiaoli Fan*, and Tao Wang*. Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Provide Insights into Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Developing Grains of Purple Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2021, 69, 11171?11184.    

  Xiaoli Fan, Zhibin Xu*, Fang Wang, Bo Feng, Qiang Zhou, Jun Cao, Guangsi Ji1,Qin Yu, Xiaofeng Liu, Simin Liao, Tao Wang*. Identification of colored wheat genotypes with suitable quality and yield traits in response to low nitrogen input. PLOS ONE. 2020. 15(4): e0229535. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229535.    

  Fang Wang, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Qiang Zhou, Jun Cao, Guangsi Ji, Shuzhong Jing, Bo Feng*, Tao Wang*, Transcriptome analysis reveals complex molecular mechanisms underlying UV tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.),  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 563?577.    

  Xiaoli Fan#, Fa Cui#, Jun Ji, Wei Zhang, Xueqiang Zhao, Jiajia Liu, Deyuan Meng, Yiping Tong, Tao Wang*, Junming Li*, Dissection of pleiotropic QTL regions controlling wheat spike characteristics under different nitrogen treatments using traditional and conditional QTL mapping, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: AR187.        

  Y. Dai , F. Yang, L. Zhang, Z. Xu, X. Fan, Y. Tian  and T. Wang. Wheat-associated microbiota and their correlation with stripe rust reaction. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2019.128,544-555    

  Xiaoli Fan#, Wei Zhang#, Na Zhang#, Mei Chen, Shusong Zheng, Chunhua Zhao, Jie Han, Jiajia Liu, Xilan Zhang, Liqiang Song, Jun Ji, Xigang Liu, Hongqing Ling,Yiping Tong, Fa Cui*, Tao Wang*, Junming Li*, Identification of QTL regions for seedling root traits and their effect on nitrogen use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018, 131(12): 2677-2698.    

  Xiufeng Jin, Bo Feng*, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Jing Liu, Qin Liu, Ping Zhu, Tao Wang*, TaAAP6-3B, a regulator of grain protein content selected during wheat improvement, BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(1):  AR71.    

  Jing Liu, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Qiang Zhou, Jun Cao, Fang Wang, Guangsi Ji, Li Yang, Bo Feng*, Tao Wang*, A genome-wide association study of wheat spike related traits in China, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: AR1584.    

  Jing Liu, Zhibin Xu, Xiaoli Fan, Jun Cao, Fang Wang, Guangsi Ji, Li Yang, Bo Feng*, Tao Wang*. A genome-wide association study of wheat spike related traits in China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018, 9:1584.    

  Bo Feng, Zhibin Xu, Xun Wang, Fei Jiang, Guojun Zhao, Tao Wang*. Molecular characterization of a novel HMW glutenin subunit Dx2.3*t from Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Research Communications. 2014, 42(3):503-513.    

  Xun Wang, Bo Feng, Zhibin Xu, S Francesco, Guojun Zhao, Tao Wang*. Identification and characterization of granule bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). Gene. 2014, 534(2):229-35.    

  Jiang F, Wang T, Wang Y, Kochian LV, Chen F, Liu J (2017) Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of stop1. Bmc Plant Biology 17:128    

  C.Xiang, J.Y.Feng, M.N.Wang, X.M.Cheng, D.R.See, A.M.Wang, Tao Wang*, 2016. Molecular mapping of stripe rustresistance gene Yr76 in winter club wheat cultivar Tyee. Phytopathology, 106(10):1186-1193    

  Bo Feng, Francesco Sestili, Stefania Masci, Benedetta Margiotta, Zhibin Xu,Zujun Yang, Chao Xiang, Chunhong Zhou, Domenico Lafiandra,, Tao Wang*,2016.The Chinese bread wheat cultivar Xiaoyanmai 7 harbours genes encoding a pair of novel high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits inherited from cereal rye. Crop & Pasture Science, 67:29–36.    

  Qiuxia Lan, Bo Feng, Zhibin Xu, Guojun Zhao, Tao Wang*. Molecular cloning and characterization of five novel low molecular weight glutenin subunit genes from Tibetan wheat landraces (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution,  60( 2): 799-806,2013.    

  Bo Feng, Zhenying Dong, Zhibin Xu, Daowen Wang and Tao Wang*.  Molecular characterization of a novel type of lipoxygenase (LOX) gene from common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Molecular Breeding.30:113-124, 2012.    

  Bo Feng ,Xueli An,Zhibin Xu ,Dongcheng Liu,Aiming Zhang,Ning Wu ,Tao Wang*. Molecular cloning of a novel chimeric HMW glutenin subunit gene 1Dx5’ from a common wheat line W958. Molecular Breeding. 28:163-170,2011.    

  Bo Feng, Zhenying Dong, Zhibin Xu, Xueli An, Huanju Qin, Ning Wu, Daowen Wang* and Tao Wang*.  Molecular analysis of lipoxygenase (LOX) genes in common wheat and phylogenetic investigation of LOX proteins from model and crop plants. Journal of Cereal Science 52(3). 387-394, 2010.    

  Ni Jing, Xu Zhi-bin,Wang Tao*. Dynamic Changes of Grain Sugar, Starch, Protein Contents during Grain Filling Stage in Waxy Wheat. Proceedings of the 8th international wheat conference. TopPrint Printing House. 2010.492. (Oral Presentation.)    

  Wang Tao, Xu Zhibing. Developing waxy wheat forSouth China. Proceedings of the 58th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference. P113. 2008.    

  Wang, T., Zhang, X. and Li, C*. Growth, abscisic acid content, and carbon isotope composition in wheat cultivars under grown different soil moisture. Biologia Plantarum . 51(5).181-184, 2007.    

  Shu Shou-gui , Feng Bo , Ren Yan ,Wang Tao. Characterization of Seed Storage Proteins in Common and Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum and F. tartaricum) from the Upper Min River Valley, China. International Symposium on Buckwheat and the Dietary Culture. Xichang. August 8-12.2005. Oral Presentation.    

  Zhang, X., Wang, T. and Li, C*. Different responses of two contrasting wheat cultivars to abscisic acid application. Biologia Plantarum  49(4):613-616, 2005.    

  Wang,T.,Li,ZL.,Ao,DH.,Yu,MQ. Genetic variation of high molecular weight glutenin subunit inSichuanwheat. 18th International Genetic Conference.Beijing.1998.150.    

  Wang,T.,Zhang,ZS.,Ao,DH.,Yu,MQ. Studies and application of thermo-photoperiod sensitive male sterility wheat C49S. Slinkard.A.E. Proceedings of 9th International Wheat Genetics Symposium.UniversityofSaskachewan.1998(3).78-80.    



  冯波,舒守贵,张爱民,王涛*。麦类作物种子中戊聚糖研究。植物学通报。2006, 23(2):215-223。       




  报,2007,13 (5):624-629。       



  吴崇明,马欣荣,杨宏,徐智斌,王涛*。鞑靼荞麦离体再生体系的建立。应用与环境生物学报,2009,15 ( 6 ):787-790。    

  任燕,吴崇明,王涛*。玉米胚乳突变基因ae1dul的遗传效应。玉米科学。2009, 17(1):32-35。    

  倪静,徐智斌,冯波,王涛*。不同水氮处理对糯小麦品质性状的影响。应用与环境生物学报,2010,16 ( 6 ): 770-774    


  李斌,徐智斌,冯波,王涛*。糯小麦与普通小麦糖化过程的比较  中国农业科学, 2011,44(13):2760-2767     


  项超,徐智斌,冯波,李斌,兰秋霞,王涛*。四川小麦地方品种的旗叶光合特性。应用与环境生物学报,2013,19 ( 1 ) : 84-89    


  朱娉, 冯波, 徐智斌, 樊小莉, 王涛*。小麦籽粒蛋白含量相关基因NAM 新等位变异的挖掘。麦类作物学报, 2016,36(7):866-871    

  刘 琴,樊小莉,杨 莉,徐智斌,冯 波,王 涛*。四川盆周山地重楼属植物药用资源的筛选及评价。中草药,2019,,50(2):526-534    

  杨 莉,樊小莉,刘琴,王芳,刘静,徐智斌,冯波,周强,王涛*。滇重楼甲羟戊酸焦磷酸脱羧酶基因的分子克隆与分析。中草药,2019,50(6):1435-1441    

  蒋城,王芳,樊小莉,王涛*. 小麦垂直农场研究进展与展望[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2021, 27 (2): 478-484    


      王涛,冯波,徐智斌。 一种定量测定作物种子脂肪氧化酶活性的方法:ZL 200610022638.0,    

      王涛,赵国君,徐智斌,冯波,王迅。 一种纯粮固态白酒酿造工艺:ZL 201210516078.X    

  王涛,赵国君,周春宏,徐智斌,冯波,王迅。 一种苦荞糯小麦液态营养强化黄酒及其酿造方法:    

  ZL 201310349242.7    

  王涛,马欣荣,吴崇明,杨宏,徐智斌。 一种苦荞的离体再生培养方法:ZL 200910059026.2    
















        中科糯麦1号(渝审麦2015002):   王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉    

  中科麦138 (川审麦2014002):    王涛、徐智斌、冯波、江桂英    

  中科麦47 (川审麦2014008):     王涛、徐智斌、冯波、江桂英    

  中科麦36(渝审麦2016001):      徐智斌、王涛、冯波、樊小莉    

  中科麦169(川审麦20190004):   王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉、周强    

  中科糯麦18(川审麦20190010):   樊小莉、徐智斌、冯波、王涛、周强    


  中科麦13(川审麦20200014):     王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉、周强    

  中科糯麦208(川审麦20200022):  王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉、周强    

  中科糯麦258(川审麦20200022):  王涛、徐智斌、周强、冯波、樊小莉    

  中科麦38(渝审麦20220001):     王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉、周强    

  中科麦181(渝审麦20220002):    王涛、徐智斌、冯波、樊小莉、周强