论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Development of a New Marker System for Identification of Spirodela polyrhiza and Landoltia punctata 2017 International Journal of Genomics
Chromatin modifcation contributes to the expression divergence of three TaGS2 homoeologs in hexaploid wheat 2017 Scientific Reports
Utilization of a Wheat660K SNP array-derived high-density genetic map for high-resolution mapping of a major QTL for kernel number 2017 scientific reports
Characterization of the temporal and spatial expression of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant height at the QTL level and their infuence on yield-related traits 2017 Theor Appl Genet
Molecular phylogenuies indicate a paleo-Tibetan origin of himalayan lazy toads 2017 Scientific Reports
后棱蛇属一新种 2017 Zoological Research
Evaluating the contribution of Yr genes to stripe rust resistance breeding through marker-assisted detection in wheat 2017 Euphytica
CH4 concentrations and fluxes in a subtropical metropolitan river network:Watershed urbanization impacts and environmental controls 2017 Science of the Total Environment
Dehydration induced transcriptomic responses in two Tibetan hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum) accessions distinguished by drought tolerance. 2017 BMC genomics
Isolation of?two new retrotransposon sequences and?development of?molecular and?cytological markers for?Dasypyrum villosum (L.) 2017 Genetica
Soil N mineralization profiles of co-existing woody vegetation islands at the alpine tree line 2017 European Journal of Forest Science
Long-term nitrogen addition affects the phylogenetic turnover of soil microbial community responding to moisture pulse 2017 Scientific Reports
Cloning cDNA and functional characterization of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in Dendrobium officinale 2017 Biologia plantarum
Catalyst-free synthesis of 2,3-dihydrobenzofurans through [4+1] cycloaddition of ortho-hydroxyphenylsubstituted para-quinone 2017 Tetrahedron
HMPA-Catalyzed One-Pot Multistep Hydrogenation Method for the Synthesis of 1,2,3-Trisubstituted Indolines 2017 Synlett
Giant pandas can discriminate the emotions of human facial pictures 2017 Scientific Reports
Heat stress alters genome-wide profiles of?circular RNAs in?Arabidopsis 2017 Plant Molecular Biology
青藏高原东缘不同树种人工林对土壤酶活性及养分的影响 2016 生态学报
A step-wise reduction of nonracemic alfa-ketoamides to alfa-methine amides under mild conditions 2016 Tetrahedron
Assessing Earthquake-Induced Tree Mortality in Temperate Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study from Wenchuan, China 2016 Remote Sensing