论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Organocatalytic asymmetric Michael addition of pyrazoleamides to b-phthalimidonitroethene 2017 Tetrahedron
Unraveling the relative contribution of inter- and intrapopulation functional variability in wild populations of a tadpole species 2017 Ecolgoy and Evolution
Picea asperata pioneer and fibrous roots have different physiological mechanism of responses to soil freeze-thaw in spring 2017 Biologia Plantarum
Strong thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in tropical and temperate wet-forest tree species: the importance of altered Rubisco content 2017 Global Change Biology
The Synergistic Responses of Different Photoprotective Pathways in Dwarf Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) to Drought and Subsequent Rewatering 2017 Frontiers in Plant Science
Effect of microtopography on soil respiration in analpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. 2017 Plant and Soil
The effect of water table decline on plant biomass and species composition in the Zoige peatland: A four-year in situ field experiment 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
The effect of water table decline on soil CO2 emission of Zoige peatland on 2017 Applied Soil Ecology
川西北高原路侧土壤重金属分布特征及污染评价 2017 应用与环境生物学报
Large-scale patterns of distribution and diversity of terrestrial nematodes 2017 Applied Soil Ecology
Nitrate concentration-shift cultivation to enhance protein content of heterotrophic microalga Chlorella vulgaris: Over-compensation strategy 2017 Bioresource Technology
Resource stoichiometry mediates soil C loss and nutrient transformations in forest soils 2017 Applied Soil Ecology
Bacterial signatures of “red-operculum” disease in the gut of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 2017 Microbial Ecology
Balancing straw returning and chemical fertilizers in China: Role of straw 2017 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Isolation, identification and characterization of potential impurities ofanidulafungin 2017 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Seasonal variations in the soil amino acid pool and flux following the conversion of a natural forest to a pine plantation on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China 2017 Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Exudate components exert different influences on microbially mediated C losses in simulated rhizosphere soils of a spruce plantation 2017 Plant Soil
氮素富集对青藏高原东缘窄叶鲜卑花灌丛根系分泌物碳输入的影响 2017 植物生态学报
σ1受体配体的合成及其生物活性 2017 精细化工
Scale-dependent key drivers controlling methane oxidation potential in Chinese grassland soils 2017 Soil Biology and Biochemistry