论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Mixture of tree species enhances stability of the soil bacterial community through phylogenetic diversity 2019 European Journal of Soil Science
Ambient temperature alters body size and gut microbiota of Xenopus tropicalis 2019 SCIENCE CHINA LIFE SCIENCES
Flavonoids from the seeds of Oroxylum indicum and their anti-in?ammatory and cytotoxic activities 2019 Phytochemistry Letters
Development of biological soil crust prompts convergent succession of prokaryotic communities 2019 CATENA
Azaphilone Alkaloids with Anti-inflammatory Activity from Fungus Penicillium sclerotiorum cib-411 2019 journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Polymerase Chain Reaction using “V” Shape Thermal Cycling Program 2019 Theranostics
SECONDARY METABOLITES FORM THE FUNGUS Chaetomium elatum CIB-412 2019 chemistry of natural compounds
One-step colorimetric genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphism using probe-enhanced loop-mediated isothermal amplification (PE-LAMP) 2019 Theranostics
A general fluorescent light-up probe for staining and quantifying protein 2019 royal society Open Science
Ion-induced PCR Strategy for Mercury Detection 2019 Electrophoresis
Recombinase assisted loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification 2019 Analyst
Monitoring the impact of climate change and human activities on grassland vegetation dynamics in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China during 2000–2015 2019 Journal of Arid Land
What is left for our next generation? Integrating ecosystem services into regional policy planning in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China 2019 Sustainability
Concealed truth: modelling reveals unique Quaternary distribution dynamics and refugia of four related endemic keystone Abies taxa on the Tibetan Plateau 2019 Ecology and Evolution
Preparation of Bicyclic Ketal Skeletons with Aldehyde and a-Ketone Acid through Cascade Friedel–Crafts Reaction and Stereoselective Acetalization in One Pot 2019 Synlett
The driving forces behind female-female aggression and its fitness 2019 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
A New Species of Megophryid Frog of the Genus Scutiger from Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Eastern Nepal 2019 Asian Herpetological Research
Camera shy? Motivations, attitudes and beliefs of bird photographers and species-specific avian responses to their activities 2019 Biological Conservation
Multivalent Aminosaccharide-Based Gold Nanoparticles as Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotics in Vivo 2019 ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces
Comparative profiling of roots small RNA expression and corresponding gene ontology and pathway analyses for low- and high-cadmium–accumulating genotypes of wheat in response to cadmium stress 2019 Functional & Integrative Genomics