论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Recovery of unstable digestion of vegetable waste by adding trace elements using the bicarbonate alkalinity to total alkalinity ratio as an early warning indicator 2019 Biodegradation
Effects of ammonium and/or sulfide on methane production from acetate or propionate using biochemical methane potential tests 2019 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Production of feather oligopeptides by a newly isolated bacterium Pseudomonas otitis H11 2019 Poultry Science
The influence of different plant hormones on biomass and starch accumulation of duckweed: A renewable feedstock for bioethanol production 2019 Renewable Energy
Determination of environmental estrogens and bisphenol A in water samples by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to Q-Exactive high resolution mass spectrometry after magnetic solid-phase extraction 2019 Microchemical Journal
Diferences of methanogenesis between mesophilic and thermophilic in situ biogas-upgrading systems by hydrogen addition 2019 Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
Asymmetric biotic interchange across the Bering land bridge between Eurasia and North America 2019 National Science Review
Adaptive evolution and selection of stress-resistant Saccharomyces cerevisiae for very high gravity bioethanol fermentation 2019 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
A mutation in Waxy gene affects amylose content, starch granules, and kernel characteristics of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2019 Plant breeding
Unraveling the Contribution of High Temperature Stage to Jiang-Flavor Daqu, a Liquor Starter for Production of Chinese Jiang-Flavor Baijiu, With Special Reference to Metatranscriptomics 2019 Frontiers in Microbioloy
Characteristics of ammonium and nitrate fluxes along roots of Picea asperata 2019 Journal of Plant Nutrition
HAP1 is an in vivo UBE3A target that augments autophagy in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome 2019 Neurobiology of Disease
Covariations between personality behaviors and metabolic performance traits in an Asian agamid lizard 2019 Peer J
Resurrection of the Genus Leptomantis, with Description of a New Genus to the Family Rhacophoridae (Amphibia: Anura) 2019 Asian Herpetological Research
Structural organization and functional divergence of high isoelectric point α-amylase genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2019 BMC Genetics
不同水氮水平对川西亚高山林地土壤酶活性的动态影响 2019 生态学报
On the Generic Taxonomy of Opisthotropis balteata (Cope, 1895) (Squamata: Colubridae: Natricinae): Taxonomic Revision of Two Natricine Genera 2019 Asian Herpetological Research
青稞全麦粉与面粉及其饼干的品质研究 2019 麦类作物学报
Microhabitat segregation of parapatric frogs in the Qinling mountains 2019 Asian Herpetological Research
Response of the soil macrofauna abundance and community structure to drought stress under agroforestry system in southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2019 Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science